Chapter 261: Phase two begins

"¡I don't want to go back to classes," Charlotte said with a pout as she clung to Anthony like a koala, reluctant to let go of him and lazy to do anything else. During these vacation days, they literally spent their time in the training room and quality time in bed. Anthony looked at her and stroked her head, causing her to purr like a kitten and hug him even tighter. Unnoticed by anyone, Charlotte began to sniff Anthony as her eyes shone intensely. Many things crossed her mind at that moment.

Lysandra was sitting on a brown sofa, frowning as she watched Charlotte cling tightly to her husband. She was upset because Charlotte clung to him like a koala, something she couldn't do. Lysandra's expression turned somber, and Charlotte noticed, smiling mockingly, earning her a deathly glare from Lysandra.