Time Travel

As the guards watched with indifferent eyes, Jon and his sister, Shankar, walked into the ghost town.

There was no sun or moon or stars in the ghost-shadow realm, and the sky was perpetually overcast. Above Ghost Town, the huge spherical light source created with magic was becoming dimmer, reminding the inhabitants that evening had fallen.

"Nice haul today," Shankar said happily to Jon, "You have a good eye for that Shadow Ringed Serpent."

"Uh-huh," Jon replied casually, looking a little tired. He was carrying a gray cloth pocket over his shoulder, bulging with something.

"Hungry," Shankar said, "Come on home, mom must have dinner ready and waiting for us."

Jon nodded silently and followed his sister, quickening his pace.

They walked through the marketplace, turned into the alley, and pressed on. As they passed in front of the mute old man's house next door, Charlie, the bald-haired dog, came out of the yard and barked at Jon and Shankar.

Shankar smiled, reached out, and beckoned, and the bald dog ran up obediently, rubbing against Shankar's calf. Shankar stroked his head gently, and the dog closed his eyes, enjoying himself immensely.

Jon reached up and patted the bald dog's head absently as well, walking past Shankar and straight back into the yard of his house. Shankar looked at her brother and frowned slightly as she gently patted the bald dog and followed her into the yard as well.

Her mother had indeed prepared dinner and was waiting for her siblings to return, and her father was counting the day's accounts, looking relaxed, so business must be good.

"Back." Mother greeted while frying the steak, emitting a tantalizing aroma.

"Uh-huh." Jon agreed, still blandly, unloading his back pockets and placing them beside his chair.

After Father finished the math, the family of four sat around the table and began to enjoy their dinner. Mother's cooking was top-notch, the steaks tasted great, and everyone had worked all day and had a good appetite, except Jon who seemed a little sullen, and although he did eat a lot, it was as if he was always distracted, just chewing and swallowing mechanically.

Father, being a rough and tumble man, didn't care, but Mother noticed it attentively, so she looked at Shankar and inquired with her eyes what was the matter, but Shankar shook her head slightly, signaling that she wasn't sure.

"Tiring day, isn't it," Mother asked Jon gently, "gathering materials is hard work."

Jon shook his head, then nodded, "Well, a little tired," he said, "probably too much walking today."

His mother nodded and reached out to brush his hanging hair behind his ear for him. "Go to bed early if you're tired, and you and your sister will have a good rest at home tomorrow."

"Hmm?" Shankar wondered a little, "Don't we have to watch the store tomorrow?"

"We're closed for the rest of the day tomorrow," her mother smiled, a happy expression spreading across her face, "Tomorrow is your father and I's wedding anniversary."

"Oh." Shankar smiled back.

Jon quickly finished the portion of steak in front of him and wiped his mouth with a napkin, "I'm a little tired," he said, "I'd like to go back to bed first."

"Go to bed early," his mother admonished, "and remember to cover up."


A small businessman's family, naturally, does not have a large house. The siblings shared a bedroom, their beds were bunk beds and Jon slept on the top bunk.

Jon lay on the bed, his eyes looking at the ceiling in a daze.

The door opened softly and someone walked in. Jon felt the bed vibrate slightly, then he saw his sister, Shankar, the little girl stepping on the wooden ladder next to the bed, poking her upper body out and looking at her brother.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Fine," Jon said, "just a little tired."

Shankar reached out to feel his forehead and realized there was no fever, so she let it go. "Must have been scared by that Shadow Ringed Serpent today," his sister said, "You be a good boy and go to bed, I'll go help mom with the dishes."


Shankar tucked Jon in at the corners of the covers to prevent him from kicking them in his sleep - a habit Jon had had since he was a child - and then gingerly got out of bed.


Just as Shankar was about to walk out of the room, Jon suddenly called out to her.

"Hmm?" Shankar turned back.

"It's your birthday in a few days, isn't it?"

"It's your birthday too," Shankar smiled, "We're twins - don't you always say that? Why, did you sneak any presents for your sister?"

"It's the older sister who should be getting the younger brother a present."

"Don't worry, there's nothing you won't get. Be good and sleep." Shankar smiled softly and walked out of the room, gently bringing the door with her.

The surroundings fell into darkness and silence as Jon lay alone on his bed, staring at the dark and heavy ceiling, silently contemplating.

In a few days, it would be his and Shankar's seventh birthday.

Without realizing it, it had been almost seven years since they came to this world.

As a former fan of online novels, Jon was no stranger to the word "travel". If you walk into an uncovered sewer and accidentally step into it, you don't have to worry about falling to your death, because nine times out of ten, you will fall into a different world or ancient times, then fall from the sky, smash through the roof of someone's house, crush to death a certain bad guy who is trying to rape a beautiful woman, and then wait for you to wake up, and the beautiful woman will throw herself at you and give her body to you.

Jon has always been a person with a pretty good mental quality, no matter before or after crossing over, in his last life, or this life.

The so-called good mental quality is to be able to deal with changes - can also be interpreted as a slow reaction, meaning is the same thing, depending on how to say it. After years of practice, Jon even if he was walking on the street and a masked robber suddenly jumped out in front of him, holding a cold flashing sharp knife, would still be very gentle and sincere and shake hands with the robber: "Brother, how's today's harvest, do you want me to sponsor some."

So for the fact that he was reading a web novel in front of his computer one second, and then traveled to an alien world the next, Jon was half-surprised.

Since he had traveled across, he first had to judge the situation. Crossing is also divided into many kinds, there are high-level, even the body with a piece of soul crossing, such as the ancient or foreign world more than an unknown foreign population; there are low-level, only wear the soul does not wear the body, which is called possession, such as the ancient or foreign world of an unlucky egg out of the body to change the heart of a reformed; and even lower, the body can not wear the past, the soul, although the past, but could not snatch the body of the original indigenous residents, can only be reincarnated from a baby to do the same thing. There is also a lower level, the body can not pass through, although the soul passes through, helplessly can not snatch the original indigenous people's body, and can only be reincarnated from the baby.

Jon was unfortunate, first of all, probably his body was not strong enough to withstand the time travel and was destroyed; secondly, probably his soul was too strong enough to succeed in seizing the body, so he could only be arranged for the last type of travel.

It is to reincarnate and start as a baby.

It's been seven years.

Babies have their benefits, the biggest advantage is that you can slowly adapt to the new environment, and will not be uncomfortable. And the clothes to stretch hands and food to mouth, sleeping someone to hold walking someone to hold, hungry just need to open their mouths. Every day life is to eat and sleep and eat, compared to the previous kind of seven o'clock in the morning to get up at nine o'clock to work eight hours a day to work hard to earn a few meager wages, Jon only feels that now live is not on earth - but paradise.

But babies always grow up.

Seven years were not wasted on Jon. He listened intently to everything he could hear and learned about the world, and he learned fast.

It was a fantasy world. There were gods, elves, dragons, and magic and wizards - the first few points were not quite certain yet, having not seen them with his own eyes, but the last point was certain.

Because Jon's family runs the spell material store.

Today, Jon and his sister, Shankar, were out of the city for the day to gather various spell materials. Their customers were the wizards in the ghost town.

Jon was not a person who was willing to live a dull life. Since he had traveled to this fantasy world, he had to make a name for himself, and it was hard for him to follow in his father's footsteps and become a small merchant for the rest of his life, which would be too lame.

In his past life, he read a lot of network novels, for this kind of fantasy world is naturally not unfamiliar. A world with dragons and magic, and of course elven beauties, was always delightful. Jon dreamed that he too could become a hero celebrated throughout the world, naturally surrounded by a large group of beautiful women.

It was a nice beautiful dream.

But Jon gradually realized that this beautiful dream seemed to be breaking up.