Bad News, Fever, and First Kisses

The man who rushed in, Jon and Shankar both knew, was called Castro, a middle-aged man who lived on the same street as them, a sort of neighborhood neighbor, and usually nodded and said hello when they saw each other.

He was out of breath.

"Shankar, Jon," he called the siblings by name, "something's wrong!"

Something had indeed happened.

For their wedding anniversary, Jon's parents had gone shopping, which was supposed to be a good thing. However, as the saying goes, there was an accident, they happened to bump into two wizards and two grumpy wizards at that.

These two sorcerers, it seems that they have some grudges, or maybe they just simply don't see eye to eye with each other, in short, they have long been at odds. This time, I don't know what happened, but the two honorable sorcerers actually came to shop, and they bumped into each other on the street.

Just bump into, but also quarrel; quarrel is just, but also fight. The duel between the two wizards, naturally, is much more magnificent than the warriors' swords and knives - the consequence of the magnificence is that a circle of people around them has been affected by the fish, including Jon's mom and dad.

Jon doesn't know how they died, because there's no way to survey the scene, which has long since been sealed off. As for the witnesses, those who were close were caught in the crossfire, and those who were far away were put under a gag order.

As mentioned before, Ghost Town was a very hierarchical place, ruled by both sorcerers and priests, with the former holding secular power and the latter holding religious beliefs. Therefore, the rank of the wizards among the residents of the whole city correspondingly belonged to the highest class, alongside the priests, while Jon's parents, who belonged to the merchants, were of a lower class, just higher than the servants and slaves. The other people who hung around at that time were also similar to Jon's parents, merchants, artisans, or general citizens, none of them were upper-class characters.

Two high rankers dueled and caused the death of a group of low rankers - according to the laws of Ghost Town, there was no need to resist life because the high rankers were more honorable than the low rankers. Ghost Town categorized people into classes, and the higher the rank, the greater the privileges.

The problem was that this matter was vaguely fishy.

Ghost Town was certainly strict in terms of hierarchy and rank, but at the same time, it also had a strict law, and implemented semi-military management, so street fights, which were a serious disturbance of the peace, were explicitly prohibited. Wizards are certainly in charge, but also generally considered prudent and self-disciplined, rarely heard of any lawlessness, to say, on the contrary, the priests are more arrogant and domineering.

There are many gods in this world, and naturally, there are many kinds of priests. But in Ghost Town, there was only one kind, the priest of Night Goddess Sal, and no other.

Ghost Town was Sharl's absolute sphere of influence, and no other deity could intervene.

Sharl was an evil god, wicked, cunning, and vaguely insane, and naturally, her priests would not be law-abiding characters. Relying on the goddess's patronage, priests ranked alongside sorcerers as the ruling class of Ghost Town, and they tended to be more contemptuous of the law and more prone to causing trouble.

If it was two priests dueling in the street, it was barely justifiable; but this time it was two sorcerers - it was a bit unbelievable, could it be that these two sorcerers were brain-dead at the same time?

But there was no point in thinking about this now.

The people were already dead, and as two children of a commoner's family, the only thing Jon and Shankar were qualified and capable of doing was to collect the bodies of their parents, bury them, and wait for the results to be dealt with from above with the help of their neighbors.

The administrative efficiency of the ghost town was very high, and the final results of the treatment were done that afternoon and did not surprise everyone. After compensating each of the deceased's families with a sum of money, the two perpetrators went free. I heard that there would be some punishments for the wizards, but all in all, their lives were certainly not in danger. After all, they were sorcerers, high rankers, while the dead were all low rankers.

The ghost town was a place of high rank.

And so, three days before the siblings' seventh birthday, they lost their mother and father in exchange for a sum of money - eighty gold coins.

Sister Shankar, expressionless, took the pocket full of gold coins from a government official, closed the door, put the pocket in a cupboard, and added the lock.

"Revenge." She whispered, then let out a cry of pain.



Shankar fell ill.

Around the time she was overly sad and caught a cold, the little girl started a fever that night.

She was groggy at first and lay in bed resting, but tossed and turned as if she could never sleep. Jon did not care at first, but gradually realized that something was wrong, and rushed over to take a look, and saw that Shankar's face had burned red, and when he reached out and touched it, his forehead burned terribly.


Jon's first thought was to go to the temple to find a priest. This was a magical world, there were no doctors in the ghost town, and all illnesses could be cured with magic for a modest fee. Or go to a specialized store to buy healing potions, the price is also quite cheap.

But he then reacted. Ghost Town was under curfew at night, and commoners like him were not allowed to go out even if it was a big deal, so if he carried Shan Jia to the temple at this time, nine times out of ten, he would be killed by the guards directly on the spot on the way. Even if he could safely reach the temple, it would be useless, Sal is the Night Goddess, her priests have always prayed at night and held all kinds of internal church ceremonies, and would not receive patients at this time.

Damn it, what to do.

He tried hard to recall the situation in his previous life when he had a cold and fever, and remembered that he seemed to have heard of it: patients need to be cooled down when they have a fever, and there are two ways to do it, one chemical cooling, that is, to take medication - but Jon did not have any in his house right now; and the other physical cooling method, which is to use a towel soaked in cold water to apply it on the forehead and use alcohol to wipe the body, which also can Cooling down.

My father loved to drink when he was alive, and there were a few bottles of alcohol in the house.

Jon called a basin of cold water, soaked it with a towel, folded it up, and put it on Shankar's forehead. Then he carried out two bottles of wine from his father's room, unscrewed the caps, and poured them on another towel, ready to rub Shankar's body.

No matter in his previous life or this life, Jon had little experience in taking care of the sick, and it was so sudden that he couldn't help but be a bit fumbled. Already soaked the towel with wine, and then remembered that he hadn't yet taken Shankar's clothes off.

Setting the towel aside, he began to undress the little girl. It wasn't a difficult job, it wasn't like he hadn't undressed a girl before, and Shankar was already groggy from the fever and didn't resist. Soon Jon managed to strip his sister naked.

There was no moonlight in Ghost town - the Moon Goddess Soren was the sworn enemy of the Night Goddess Sharl - and the dim light from the streetlamps crept in through the window and shone on Shankar's body like flawless white nephrite jade, radiating a gleaming soft light that was unsettling.

As she was running a fever, Shankar slept uneasily, moving her body slightly from time to time. Whenever she moved a little, the area where the cool light was cast slid subtly away, and the shadows across her body shifted, changing shape like ripples of water on a still lake.

As the shadows shifted, Jon's gaze slowly moved downward, seeing the smooth curve of the waist, the smooth belly that rose and fell quietly with each breath, and further down, between the tightly joined legs, as if there were a touch of pink and red ...

"Really beautiful." He couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Seven-year-old little girl, the body is actually still basically undeveloped, although there is a kind of tender beauty, in the end, too simple, not sweet enough to be tempting, Jon is not a loli control, in his last life, women's bodies have seen a lot, naturally, he will not really get up any lust. After a few seconds of appreciation, he picked up a towel and began to slowly wipe down Shankar's body.

He had only heard of this cooling method but had not practiced it, and at first, he was a little worried, not knowing how effective it would be. But after carefully wiping twice, perhaps Shankar felt the coolness, her body was no longer so hot, gradually quieted down, and her breathing became steady.

Jon saw that this method was effective, his heart put down a big stone, and hurriedly poured out all the wine, and rubbed Shankar's body over and over again. He was very careful, every inch of the skin carefully rubbed, first rubbed the neck, and shoulders, and then moved to the chest still flat, deliberately staying a little longer, imagining how this place would be in the future how rich and firm, and finally reluctantly moved down, moved to the belly.

After wiping his belly, Jon gently spread Shankar's legs apart and dipped the towel in the wine, carefully wiping the inner thighs. He knew that this was the most delicate and sensitive part of a girl's body that could not be stimulated by alcohol, so he was extra careful. Unlike the adult woman's body that he had seen in his previous life, the seven-year-old little girl, under her belly, was still bare and clean, without any semblance of fuzz, and looked pure and unrivaled.

"I wonder if it will really be a little hairless female genitalia when she grows up?" He smiled lowly.

After rubbing her entire body several times repeatedly, Shankar's breathing became calm and long, and she stopped tossing and turning.

Jon let out a long sigh of relief and reached out to touch her forehead, which was also no longer rolling. It seemed that this had passed.

He wrung out the towel and hung it up to dry, corked the bottle and set it aside, helped Shankar put the covers back on, and then went out to the backyard to dump the water out of the basin. When he was done with all that, he returned to his room and Shankar had fallen into a deep sleep.

Jon was also a little tired and was about to climb into his top bunk when he suddenly heard Shankar seemingly calling his name.

Stunned for a moment, he leaned in close and asked, "Shankar?"

"Cold," Shankar said vaguely.

Startled, Jon reached under the covers and felt Shankar's body, finding that it was indeed hypothermic. The two siblings had slept in the same bed until they were four or five years old and had been skin to skin from time to time, so he knew that Shankar had always been a bit cold, and her body temperature was a bit lower than his own; according to his memories of his previous life, a normal person's body temperature should be around thirty-seven degrees, but Shankar's was only thirty-six degrees at most.

Now it was even colder than usual, and the fingertips felt a slight chill.

Crap, had the cooling just gone too far?

Jon was at a bit of a loss for words, but Shankar was clearly cold; her body was icy cold, and she curled up into a tight ball, clutching the covers as her teeth began to chatter slightly, making a cackling clattering sound that sounded especially clear in the stillness of the night.

"Cold." She groaned vaguely.

The ghost-shadow realm was already gloomy and cold, and it wasn't like this world had any electric heaters or anything like that; even the sun was a magically created imitation that didn't have much heat. Ghost Town had been in the ghost-shadow realm for over a thousand years, and its inhabitants had multiplied from generation to generation, and had long since gotten used to this year-round gloomy and cold weather, and did not have any heating equipment.

However, this scene seems to be very familiar ... Before traveling, when his girlfriend complained about the cold, how did he keep her warm ...

Well, it seems that we must let the non-polluting noiseless safe, and environmentally friendly temperature be the most suitable and can also be held in the arms of the human warmer on the scene.

Jon took off his clothes quickly got under the covers and hugged Shankar. His body temperature was higher than Shankar's, and the little girl was shivering from the cold, as soon as she felt the warmth, she instinctively snuggled her whole body over and hugged Jon tightly like an octopus. Her body had a milky scent, mixed with the smell of wine left behind from the body rubbing earlier, it was mesmerizing.

It was a very cold night indeed.

Jon waited for his hands to become warm, then gently stroked over Shankar's back, slowly working his way down, caressing over the back of her waist and kneading the two small, round buttocks. "Nice touch," he whispered in Shankar's ear, "you're mine, sister."

Although it did feel a little odd for a man who was mentally in his mid-twenties to call a seven-year-old girl his sister, Jon loved it.

He tenderly stroked Shankar all over her body, helping to drive away the cold with his warm palms. The little girl's body gradually stopped trembling and her teeth stopped chattering, she hugged Jon tightly, resting on his arm, burying her face in his neck, and exhaling like an orchid, causing Jon's ears to itch for a while.

Damn, in his last life, his ears were the most sensitive zone, often being sneak attacked when flirting with his girlfriend, how to travel over, reincarnated, has changed the body, still the same.

But for the time being, there was no time to think about this, he couldn't just let the little girl tease on like this, even though she was unconscious.

Jon exerted a slight force to make Shankar move away a little. At this time has passed nine o'clock in the evening, the street lamp automatically turned dark, I was about to go out, darkness, the little girl's face was glowing with shimmering light, childish and peaceful, and her eyelashes were very long, curved, like the dolls that she has seen before, her nose is straight and her small mouth is very delicate.

Jon couldn't help but lower his head and gently kissed Shankar on the lips.

Perhaps because of the high fever, Shankar's lips are very dry, and slightly rough feeling, far from the usual delicate like a flower, obviously a serious loss of water. Despite this, the kiss had a special touch and was very tantalizing.

Jon kissed long and fascinated, then parted with fondness, "This is our first kiss," he whispered to the sleeping little girl, "I want you to be my sister and my lover."

Shankar didn't hear him.

Jon got up and out of bed, poured a glass of water, and took a sip, not swallowing it, holding it in his mouth before leaning down and kissing Shankar on the lips. The little girl was a little thirsty, feeling the cool moisturizing of the water, opened her cherry lips in a daze, Jon took the opportunity to push his tongue against her teeth, and swam in like a small fish, entangling her fragrant tongue, teasing, the little girl's mouth had a fragrant taste.

Jon slowly measured the water he was holding into Shankar's mouth, and Shankar swallowed instinctively, her lips gradually moistening. She held Jon tighter, unconsciously responding to her brother's passionate kisses.

Gradually, both of them fell asleep.