
Zhen Sihao languidly walks over and opens the door, "What took you so long." The guard called ten minutes ago.

Emmi scrunches up her nose ignoring his question while looking at the thick green drink he is holding. "Yuck! What is that you are drinking?"

"It is spinach smoothie, I made you one."

 Her stomach turns looking at the unappetizing green drink. She waves her small hand, "I appreciate your effort but no thanks. I ate a breakfast bun on my way over here."

He has a mischievous smile looking down at her chest, "I especially added papaya in yours."

Emmi blushes at his inference then her catlike green eyes give him a 'go die' look, "WANG HAO!"

Cursing Zhen Sihao under her breath as she takes off her white tennis shoes and puts on slippers. What an annoying man! She angrily walks into the living room, "Not all men are as perverted as you are wanting a woman with big boobs!"