Zhen Sihao Won't Give Up

Zhen Sihao slams his large hand on the mahogany bar, "What's taking so long with my drink? Just bring me the fucking bottle!"

Han Weisheng gives the bartender a look and the bartender ignores Zhen Sihao.

Zhen Sihao turns to Han Weisheng, "Is this how you run your fucking hotel? Hiring incompetent employees, no wonder the fucking bar is deserted."

"Sihao, you need to slow down, it's only the middle of the afternoon." Of course it isn't busy yet.

"So fucking what! I'm a paying customer, tell him to get his ass over here."

"Drinking isn't going to solve your problems. You need to get your head on straight. Your impulsive behavior is what got you into this mess."


"Think about it, you are an expert negotiator, why didn't you use the same tactics you use in business on Chen Emmi? I tried to warn you."