Emmi Is Not In The Mood

When the trio arrive at the Harborview Hotel Emmi thanks Bo Anzhi and steps out of the car. She waits for Jaing Lisa to get out but Jiang Lisa remains in the backseat. Emmi is freezing in the bitter wind and doesn't want to be rude but it is too cold. She doesn't have a scarf or knit cap and the snow is falling heavily.

She waves at Jiang Lisa then hurries into the hotel to get out of the freezing cold..

In the Land Rover, Jiang Lisa tells Bo Anzhi, "My friend won't arrive for a while, do you want to get dinner? I feel I owe you for saving me earlier."

"You shouldn't feel that way. I told you I don't like bullies so I would have done the same for anyone."

Jiang Lisa's heart sinks but she maintains her cheerful smile. "I know, but I still want to thank you."