Chen Group is In Trouble

The manager's husband is not going to let Chen Xue go so easily just because she looks woozy. His anger has subsided somewhat but he still feels guilty he was not able to protect his wife from being insulted. 

 Chen Xue leans on the assistant with a dazed look as the man warns, " If the money is not received tomorrow the police will be called."

 The disgruntled man continues, "Additionally, you are never to step foot in this Salon again. If you see my wife or niece do not approach them because I won't hold back.We have the security footage and this agreement will be null and void if you get anywhere near them do you understand?" She definitely seems like a poisonous woman who would seek revenge. 

Chen Xue's brain is not functioning and she can only numbly stare at the man.

 The assistant puts his hand on the back of her head, forcing her to nod, then says, "Rest assured the money will be sent tomorrow."