Bo Anzhi and Jiang Lisa Trending

The doctor didn't think Jiang Lisa would be foolish enough to go back outside and has a puzzled expression, "Do you know why she went back out into the cold?"

Bo Anzhi knits his swordlike eyebrows together, "She was looking for her glasses."

"Those unsightly black plastic framed glasses? Is she poor?"

"No, she is a member of the second branch of the Jiang family. She said the glasses were one of a kind."


Bo Anzhi brushes the snow off the fur coat, "I need to get back. I am delaying the whole cast and crew." He glances at Jiang Lisa who has her eyes tightly closed pretending to be asleep. 

"Miss Jiang, I know you aren't asleep. Please think twice before you make bad decisions. I was filming and left to find you, the delay is costly and it is unfair to the cast and crew."