Looking at the two new faces, Jiang Lisa's voice sounds full of enthusiasm, "I was saying how excited I am to be cooking with all the other assistants."
Chen Chloe can't say I heard what you said without sounding petty, sure the two girls didn't hear Jiang Lisa. They were a few steps behind her and talking to each other. She gives Jiang Lisa a meaningful look but Jiang Lisa ignores her now that she knows the glasses are deactivated.
Her dismissive attitude infuriates Chen Chloe but she can only smile, "I am really excited to work with everyone also." She turns to the two girls and points at Chen Emmi, "This is my cousin Chen Emmi and Jiang Lisa."
One of the girls responds, "I am Yang BingBing and this is Tian WeiWei."
The woman in charge of the assistants walks down the hallway. "Good you are all here."
Emmi looks around for Bai Meilin and breathes a sigh of relief when she sees her hurrying over.