Raven Cross

He was immediately forced to wake up from the melting pain that crept up all over him as he writhed in pain, on the ground.

His insides seemed to be melting under the kinds of pain he never imagined to have ever existed. Acids of the highest concentration seemed to be cruising through his body, making him experience the heat at levels unimagined while making him feel the freezing burn at the same time.

Mana then began to rush into his body under the effects of levelling up, once again alerting those within the household, but this time without the need to have called out for them, they all just ignored the horrifying phenomenon with a thumping heart as they stood still, under the pressing pressure.

His body was greedily accepting the mana which rushed into his body that had no innate mana core, hence it stored itself in his heart, brain, and blood while a gentle layer of mana hugged him as if it was his clinging girlfriend.


[Master's rejuvenation has been completed]

As soon as that notification popped up in front of his pink coloured irises that had now turned ruby red with a neon pink hue; his throat felt parched, he felt empty within, and extreme hunger began to eat him from the inside; hence, without much of a choice, he woke up weakly, gazed around until his beastly gaze landed on the dead body that made him subconsciously employ his ability, [Blood Manipulation]. His right hand turned blooded but remained in the shape of a hand even as an approximated litre of blood spiralled out his blooded arm, turned into a blob which then dove at Kalayavan's dead body and tomb(ed) over him.


With the sounds of something being grinded, within a matter of seconds the blob of blood which had multiplied by at least 8 times in size floated back to his right palm which faced up at the blood pool that began to shrink relatively with his palm that began to clench. By the time his fist was clenched completely, the pool of blood had taken a form of an apple which then fell into his palm for him to feed on.


With a crunch, he took a bite of the heavily concentrated fruit of blood that oozed blood from the gaps of his fingers and from the corner of his lips at the bite, but in that state of extreme hunger, he cared for none of it and savoured the taste of blood that tasted much sweater than honey and intoxicated him at the heavy flavour of an expensive wine.

The blood fruit disappeared into his mouth within a matter of seconds as he licked his blood dyed lips, fingers, finger gaps, and palm, sensually, in intoxication, as he wiped off the trickling droplet of blood from the corner of his lips and wiped his blooded thumb on his tongue before he exclaimed out loudly and slumped back on the ground, having satiated the most of his hunger.

"That was an...horrifying experience.….." He mumbled as he turned to gaze at the spot where a dead body had once been and sighed.

"I'm not even disgusted at the feeling of having eaten a human-look alike….." He mumbled and opened his status window, as he browsed through; the first this his eyes landed on was the (Register) written next to his name.

"Having been abandoned, it is rather useless to keep the name they gave me….." He mumbled, refusing to even call himself Osier.

"Ichor, the fluid that runs through the veins of the gods? Tchort, Russian name for Satan? Wow, even just pondering over it for a few seconds, I got op names, then why the hell was I named pussy willow!? It might mean something else, but no matter what, osier also means pussy willow! Just how much does one have to hate their child to name them pussy willow!!?" He exclaimed in disbelief.

Finding a name for himself was a much bigger headache than he had thought; the name he wanted for himself was a badass one, hence he pondered over many names from nearly all kinds of religions and gods, before he finally stepped foot into the names from mythology but still couldn't find that unique name.

"I'll just go with this..." He mumbled, having picked a not-SO-common name. He then clicked on register, and the name he had been thinking of wrote itself in the blank spot.


[Name: Raven Cross]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Vampire] [Rank: Baron (+)]

[Level: 78] [1000]⁷⁸

[Class: ------]

[HP: 100%]

[MP: 7,800] ●[+10,000]

[Sin: ]

• [Gluttony] [Tattoo: Snake] [Rank: Baron (+)] [Upgrade]

• [Envy] [Tattoo: Fairy wings] [Rank: Emperor (^)] [Upgrade] [NEW]

[Bloodline: ]

• [Crimson Sinned Gluttony] [Rank: Baron (+)] [Upgrade]

• [Virescent Sinned Envy] [Rank: Quasi-God (-)] [Upgrade] [NEW]

[Titles: (Passive Abilities)]

• [Pleasure God] [Rank: Primordial Divinity (^)]

• [One with you] [Rank: Sovereign (-)]

• [Goddess' Lover] [Rank: Primordial Divinity (+)]

• [Lord Of Envy] [Rank: Quasi-God (^)]

• [One from the Gazillion] [Rank: Divine (^)]

[Blessing: [Pyrokinesis] [Rank: Quasi-God (-)]

[Talent: [Thermal Control] [Rank: Baron (-)]

[Neuro-Subscriber's identity module (Neuro-SIM): [PRIVATE]]


[Sinned Ability: [Gluttony: Gluttony], [Envy: Imitation]] [NEW]


[Bloodline Abilities:]

• [Vampire: [Regeneration (lv:2)], [Charm (lv:2)], [Nobility (lv:3)], [Vampire Wings (sealed)], [Vampire Fangs (lv:1)], [Vampire Claws (sealed)]

• [Fae: [Allure (sealed)], [Immortality (sealed)], [Telepathy (sealed)], [Photokinesis (sealed)], [Portal Creation (sealed)], [Levitation (sealed)] [NEW]


[Recorded Abilities: [Cooking (lv:43)], [Cleaning (lv:38)], [Crafting (lv:47)], [Summon Spirit (lv:31)], [Heal (lv:56)], [Oracle (lv:6)], [Recovery (lv:65)], [Swords master (lv:27)], [Axe master (lv:21)], [Spear master (lv:24)], [Archery master (lv: 19)], [Staff master (lv:18)], [Scythe master (lv:17)], [Kunai master (lv:15)], [Magus (lv:20)], [Strategist (lv:17)], [Mastermind (lv:19)], [Hunter (lv:11)]...[More]] [NEW]


[Innate Abilities: [Attract], [Blood Manipulation], [Doctor], [Pharmacist], [Masseuse], [Journalist], [Architect], [Belle], [Creator], [Aristocrat], [Beautician], [Entrepreneur], [Chef], [Athlete], [Philanthropist], [Therapist]]


[Abilities: [Suggestive Smile (lv:1)]


[Divine Abilities: [Quasi-Divinity]]


[Ability Point (AP): 304] [NEW]

[Ability Merge]





[Pleasure God's Opus]:

[Trivia, Goddess Of Tranquillity and Rebirth] [Satisfaction Rate: 23] [Title: (Sealed)] [Position: (Sealed)]

[Iria Stidolphe] [Satisfaction Rate: 53] [Title: (Grant)] [Position: (Grant)]


(AN: A few changes have been made to system window in the previous chapter it was shown)

Why Raven Cross? Because Raven sounded cool and Cross because he had seen 'cross' contradicting his race as a Vampire in a fiction, back on Earth.

The '●[+10,000]' because of the blood he has consumed, and from what he read when he clicked on the '●' was that it'll remain like that as long as his body didn't use the stored blood.

He had gained two new titles, one from Kalayavan, and the other was from becoming one by combining all gazillion memoirs in his consciousness.

He had unlocked his sinned ability of [Envy].

He had gained, though sealed, Fae bloodline abilities.

His 'memorized' abilities had now turned 'recorded.'

And finally, he had gained 304 ability points, from what he calculated, it seemed that he gained 3 ability points per level up.

With a deep breath, he thought over many things; he still didn't know how strong he was, but assumed he was extremely weak from how easily he could kill the (lv:78) fae, him thinking like that was only natural since all it took to kill that fae was snapping his neck which felt like breaking a twig; he had to learn how to use all the abilities he had, hence going to the academy was set stone, learning the ways of this world was important, if this world works as he expected it to, then he would be hindered one way or the other 'as long as he was in their sight'; he still needed to understand the consequences of the sins he had, he had to understand his bloodline abilities…. And most importantly, he needed allies, trustworthy, powerful, and reliable allies, though this problem could be solved with women he would make love to, to reach his goal.

He had to be stronger than he currently was if he wanted to be happy, freely…..without any concern or regret.

But the freedom to be happy didn't come without a cost, that too in a world ruled by strength; hence, he had the need to get stronger, stronger than any and every body else.

'I need an abode, a private abode whose activities are off the radar…..'

Only talents, bloodlines, strength, and abilities ruled this world; his talent was at [Rank: Baron (+)], which he presumed to be the lowest from the other ranks he had seen, his bloodline as a vampire was also weak, his strength was unknown, his abilities were self-sufficient and prioritised survival, hence that was the only aspect he was confident it, since an 'ability' of whatever rank depended on how it was used, he could survive even if it meant that he had to live off as a bottom feeder; the things he had to do from here forth was lay low and learn everything he possibly could, and create an abode in the peasants areas.

'I am confident in pursuing these people to let me leave this house and stay on my own, but I'm not confident in being able to feed myself enough to satiate my gluttonous hunger….. I do not know how much blood of the peasants would satiate my parched throat, but I have to test these things slowly if I do not want to create a massacre within a few days of my arrival here….. and,' He thought as he gazed at the door, sensing five presences walking towards his room.


"Come in" Raven mumbled and watched five maids walk into the room with nervous and uneasy expressions on their faces.

'Women here would have connections that'd help me look for more women with even more connections.'

"Yes?" Raven asked with a charming smile that immediately eased the atmosphere but made the women even more nervous at their hearts which thumped for reasons that didn't align with the reasons for their earlier nervousness.

"Y-Young Master, Raven!! We are the maids assigned to fulfil 'all' of your needs, by the mansion master, Vasper Stidolphe! Please take care of us!" A woman, who seemed to be the boldest of the five, exclaimed, but Raven had stiffened as soon as she called him out.
