
Chapter 5

May 22, 2131, 11:30, Secret Squad 4 Headquarters

After finishing their work in the conference area and returning to headquarters, they began to load all their belongings, both items for missions and items newly purchased from the festival. And after it was finished, all members of Secret Squad 4 stood outside to receive their punishment.

"Okay, I won't give you a difficult punishment because, well, after all, you already bought some party decorations. Okay, so I'll just punish you in an easy way, just a punishment to train discipline."

Theo started looking for something in his pocket.

"Well, even though I'm a little lazy about scribbling more but yeah, never mind. A list of tasks for 3 months just for the four of you."


Seeing what was taken out of his pocket everyone was shocked. Even though it's just a list of tasks, in reality, they feel it is a very severe punishment. Plus another 3 months.

"Okay, please see for yourself. I'll go in first. Ah, I'm so tired."

After throwing the task list, Theo entered the base and left his squad members outside while busy looking at their task list.

May 22, 2131, 19:00, Secret Squad 4 Headquarters

Night finally arrived. After preparing the party preparations, their little party finally began.

"Okay everyone...! Cheers!"


Carlos: "Good job, captain."

Amelia: "Yeah, good job, captain."

Theo: "Well, doing this once in a while, it's definitely not a problem after all, things are safe and I couldn't enjoy the festival either."

Mikita: "Yes. I'm sorry captain."

Theo: "Well, never mind. Besides, you guys have prepared everything to celebrate this success, well anyway, this is not bad."

Mikita: "Mmm, mmm. Yes, thank you captain for the compliment."

Alfaro: "Hey, finish your food first before talking."

Mikita: "Haah, loud! I knew that."

Theo: "Well, basically, let's celebrate this a little."


Alfaro: "Luckily, the Newgenesian soldiers have prepared all the party drinks for us."

Mikita: "Yeah. They seemed to know we were coming and immediately prepared drinks and food for these guests."

Amelia: "Despite all the difficulty of the work here, it turns out that small pleasures like this still exist, right?"

While sitting enjoying a cup of soda in his hand, Theo turned around and looked at the starry sky on that clear night.

(Well, the night sky here isn't bad either)

After saying that to himself, he took another sip of his soda and enjoyed the evening.

May 22, 2131, 19:00, Alpenia Central Command Region

Elsewhere, the top brass of the Alpenia military also seemed to be celebrating this success.

Someone was walking towards Major Peter's office.

This person is Major General Okhta Arslen. He was one of the military leaders of Alpenia. His skin color is white with a fairly thick mustache. He is 170cm tall and weighs around 120kg. He comes from England. Major General Okhta and Major Peter are quite close friends.

Arriving in front of Major Peter's office, he knocked on the door.

"Major Peter, are you in there?"

"I'm inside, Major General. I didn't lock it, please just come in."

"Excuse me."

After getting permission from Major Peter, Major General Okhta opened the door and saw Major Peter sitting on a chair and facing the computer in front of him. Major General Okhta decided to just lean against the door while talking to Major Peter.

Major Peter, start the conversation.

"What do you need, Major General?"

"I just wanted to invite you to a drinking event, Peter. Would you like to come? Even if you don't drink, at least attend this event. This is a big event aimed especially at you, so come!"

"I really feel honored about that, Major, but sorry Major, I can't take part in this event. I still have to hold a meeting with my subordinates who have successfully carried out this mission to plan what plans must be carried out next so that we can really won this battle. Besides, if you want to thank me for the success of this mission, you should thank my subordinates who have successfully carried out this mission."

"There's no need to be so formal, Peter. Don't forget that we're friends. But yeah, that's right. I'll probably send them drinks. But, you'd better rest for now, Peter. Because of our current success we can relax more, right?" ?"

"It's true, Okhta, but I'm sorry, I prefer to relax when the task is finished rather than relax while still working."

"So, you're saying your job isn't finished yet, huh? OK then, I'll go first."

After leaving Major Peter's room, Major General Okhta said his last words before he left.

"Don't forget, Peter. If you need help, I will always be there to help you."

After saying these words, Major General Okhta closed the door and left Major Peter.

"I know when to stop, and I will definitely remember your words, Okhta. However, it looks like you will soon be in trouble again because of me, Okhta. Hope you like that."

After Major General Okhta left Major Peter's room, he immediately contacted his subordinates to explain his plan. Meanwhile...

May 22, 2131, 20:05, Secret Squad 4 Headquarters

"Thank you for the food. Ah, how full."

After they finished their dinner, the communications screen lit up and Major Peter began giving thanks for their success.

"Good evening, everyone. Thank you for your hard work in completing your previous mission."

"Actually, on this mission, I was the only one doing it."

"Remember Captain Theo, the captain's success is the members' success and the members' success is the captain's success."

Hearing this, Theo could only accept this fact languidly.

"Well, well, it's up to you."

"Okay now I want you to hear the follow-up plan to finish this battle."

As soon as they heard this, everyone who was partying suddenly became focused on listening to what Major Peter had to say.

"Okay, let's discuss the next plan to defeat the enemy attack."

A map of Alpenia appeared on the screen.

"Firstly, as you know, the city of Arther is in the southeast of the Alpenia region. Therefore, it is certain that the Newgenesian troops will withdraw all their troops who control our territories and start attacking Arther, except for the troops in the northern region and Northwest."

"Why didn't Newgenesia withdraw troops from those two regions?"

"In my opinion, they will maintain their military in the north and northwest regions, then after the conquest of Arther is complete, they will start the conquest of Newgenesia through 2 places, namely the north, northwest and southeast regions."

"By doing that, it will be easier for them to deal with us after finishing Arther, because we will be surrounded from the right and left."

"That's right! But don't forget, thanks to the success of this mission, even though there is a possibility that the enemy will use this plan, the enemy still needs time to prepare this plan. And, during that time we will destroy the enemies in the north and northwest."

"What if the enemy sends reinforcements for the north and northwest regions first?"

"For now, we're confirming this and it won't be revealed until a few days from now. Well, I already have plans for both of these situations, so, don't worry."

"Then, is it possible for us to defeat the enemy reinforcement troops who will help the enemy troops in the north and northwest? Of course this plan requires a lot of these troops, so how will you deal with it, Major?"

"Well, you managed to read my backup plan for this situation, huh? You were right about the lack of troops for this. But, I'm sure with your help everything will be fine."

"What does that mean, Major!?"

"Well, I'll give you more news later. Please help, Captain Theo."

After finishing talking about his plans to Secret Squad 4, Major Peter ended the meeting by turning off the screen. For a few seconds, the room became very quiet, until Carlos started asking questions.

"So? What now, captain?"

"Yeah. For now we just need to wait for further information first."

(But hopefully, I don't get involved with this again)

After complaining about the other work that was waiting for him, the evening party continued.