
Chapter 11

Flashback to the night after the stakeout was completed

May 22, 2131, 05:50, Alpenia Military Headquarters

After completing their reconnaissance, the members of Secret Squad 1 returned to Alpenia Military Headquarters.

After they got out of their vehicle, they were greeted by a soldier who then took them to where Major Archles was.

After bringing the members of Secret Squad 1 to where Major Archles was located, which was only a few meters away from them, the soldier said goodbye to continue his work.

After being left by the soldier, the members of Secret Squad 1 walked towards Major Archles who was looking at a number of documents in his hand. Once near Major Archles, they saluted him.

"Major! We're back from the mission."

Major Archles is a man who comes from America. He is 50 years old. His body was sturdy, with a slight mustache and beard on his face. He had a wound near his brown left eye.

His skin is brown and his hair is black.

Seeing the members of Secret Squad 1 who came up and gave him, Major Archles looked at the members of Secret Squad 1 and returned their salute.

After Major Archles lowered his hands, Isaac and all members of Secret Squad 1 also lowered their hands.

"How about we go to my room first and when we get there I explain the additional mission to you?"

When offered to go to Major Archles' room first, the members of Secret Squad 1 nodded in agreement and they started walking towards Major Archles' room.

After arriving at Major Archles' room, Major Archles immediately sat down in his chair and the members of Secret Squad 1 sat on a long sofa to the right of the room and Major Archles started talking.

"As you know, I told you to meet me after the reconnaissance was finished because I have a mission for you. This mission is one of the missions that will greatly influence the success of our future missions, so you must not fail."

"And what mission do we have to carry out, Major?"

"The mission is..."

Flashback complete

Isaac was still explaining about what Major Archles had assigned him.

"Then, Major Archles ordered us to install several cameras at each Secret Force base to monitor the enemy's automatic android movements if they tried to reveal the location of the Secret Forces.

According to him, your base will also be suspected of being the most suspicious because of the case during the conference. Of course because your base is the closest to the conference venue. Therefore, we were assigned to guard this place and let other places only be monitored by cameras and it turned out that was the case what happened here."

Isaac ended his explanation and Theo started asking questions.

"Why are they doing that inspection today? If it's just to check whether their guard post really isn't occupied by intruders, couldn't they have done it since yesterday? Besides, if there are other people with the same opinion who are still alive and are preparing an attack plan for us , what should we do? And what if it is the defense you put in place that makes the enemy suspicious?"

Hearing many questions like that, Isaac showed a smiling face, interested and at the same time a little angry at Theo.

"Haaaah, you really like to make your work easier by taking advantage of your opponents' and friends' mistakes, Captain Theo. OK, let me explain all these things for you. Firstly, the reason why the inspection was carried out today was because of the journey they went through. When they did traveling from the central region of Newgenesia to the northwestern and northern regions, they will of course use androids to guard the journey."

"Traveling from the Newgenesia military center to the northwest and north should take about five days at most, but they were able to reach the northwest and north in three days and that was very fast."

"This means they spend more energy, so they spend more time charging the androids. Even though the androids can be charged in a short time, still because of time they don't have time to do it and send the androids when they are close to the destination so that energy usage is less ."

"But, couldn't they ask the main force for help to carry out an inspection?"

"You're forgetting an important thing, Captain Theo. The enemy still doesn't believe in it, the point is that even if they contact the main forces of the northern region via communications, they won't believe it and won't help."

"Then, won't the enemy realize that something bad happened to their reinforcements if they don't arrive in the next few days? Then, how are we going to deal with the enemy's main force?"

"When it comes to that matter, we don't need to interfere anymore."

"Does that mean there are already troops taking care of them?"

"That's right, Captain Theo, and regarding the enemy knowing this and planning an attack on us, we can still be calm, because as long as the enemy is still attacking Arther, then everything will still be fine. Because with this fact it means the enemy still believe that the perpetrator was Arter."

"However, wasn't the android that attacked earlier tasked with getting information that this area had intruders. What should we do if it turns out that there are still high-ranking Newgenenesia officials who have the same suspicion and are waiting for this information and intend to attack us?"

"If that's the case, then try your best not to lose."

"Haaah, so who will take care of the main forces of the northwestern and northern areas of Newgenesia?"

"The entire remaining army, several thousand soldiers along with several androids and Secret Troops 2 and 3."

"Looks like we're not needed anymore, huh."

"Yes, that's right. Now, do you still have questions on your mind, Captain Theo?"

After shaking his head as a sign that there was nothing more he wanted to ask, Isaac stood up from his seat.

"Okay then Theo. Before we return to our secret base, let us show you a few things."