
Chapter 16

After Peter asked them to start their physical training, they all left and headed to the special physical training area for Secret Forces.

After arriving at the physical training place, their training began. Alfaro, Amelia, Carlos and Mikita, started their first physical training as members of the Secret Army which was very difficult.

Running for 1 hour without rest, physical exercises, such as push-ups, sit-ups, etc., as well as other military training, such as training to use a gun.

All this is done from 08:00 to 18:00 and breaks are only taken when one exercise is completed for 10 minutes and at lunch. After 18:00 they could finally rest.

Their rooms are divided into two, for men and for women. In the women's room, Mikita and Amelia exchanged ideas about the training they did earlier.

"So tiring."

Amelia, who was lying on the bed, started the conversation. Meanwhile, Mikita, who was cooling down, commented on his complaint.

"The truth is, if you complain that much, you won't be able to become an ideal soldier."

"I also don't want to become a soldier. Because living as a hacker can make enough money, I don't need another job. But unfortunately, while I was working, the soldiers casually broke into my house and managed to arrest me. If only at that time I If you hadn't been caught, then my life would definitely not have turned out like this. It's true."

"But, no one knows, right, whether your life will be better or worse by working here. Besides, don't you also want to save this country?"

When asked about her desire to save the country, Amelia got up from her bed.

"Not really. As long as I live happily, I don't care what happens. Well, a little effort for this country isn't too bad either. It gives me a new experience."

After saying this, Amelia took her towel and walked to the bathroom.

"I'll take a shower first, okay?"


Amelia opened the bathroom and went into it, while Mikita continued cooling down.

January 8, 2131, 20:00, Alpenia Military Headquarters

After finishing showering, Alfaro and Carlos went to the cafeteria for dinner. After taking their food and heading to a table, they started their dinner which was accompanied by talk about the day's training.

"What do you think of today's training, Alfaro?"

"Well, I think it's quite hard. Surely it won't be that hard for you, right, Carlos? You being an athlete must find it an easy training."

"Well, for some training that might be true, but the most impressive thing for me was when we were allowed to use these firearms."

"Well, that's true. When else can people like us be able to use weapons like that, right? However, still, the consequences we receive are fighting life and death for this country."

"Well, I think it's pretty worth it."


After finishing dinner, Alfaro and Carlos returned to their room. Likewise with Peter. After finishing dinner, he decided to return to his room to rest. On his way, he met Major General Okhta and chatted a little.

"Yo, Peter."

"What's wrong, Major General?"

"I'm curious about your new subordinates. What do you think about your new subordinates?"

"For a class of conscripted soldiers, they're not bad."

"You seem a bit disappointed, Peter. Even so, look forward to teaching them. See you, Major."

Major Peter: "Yes, Major General"

After a brief conversation with Major General Okhta, Peter walked back to his room and rested for tomorrow.

January 9, 2131, 08:00, Alpenia Military Headquarters

On that sunny morning, in the same class as yesterday, the members of Secret Squad 4 gathered again and prepared for their second day of training.

"Okay, today we will return to training like yesterday, but before starting training, today let's determine your group leader."

"What's the point of selecting leaders, won't we be assigned to another troop after this training session is over?"

"Of course not. Haven't you been told? Gosh. Hah, you will be a special force which will be called Secret Force 4. After your training is complete, you will undergo special missions that are different from other soldiers."

"Then why were we asked to become these troops? We haven't even taken part in mandatory military training like other soldiers?"

"If there are fewer soldiers who can fight on the front lines, then front line fighting will be difficult. Therefore, they will remain on the front lines and as for secret missions, everything will be handed over to you. Then, is there anyone who wants to run for office, or do you want to vote, or do you want me to choose? Let's decide."

After talking for some time, they decided that the leader would be chosen by Major Peter.

"Okay, if you are sure, then I will choose your squad leader. The leader is Mikita. However, even though you already have a leader, I am still your instructor, in essence you are still under my command. OK, then let's start the training. Oh yes, Amelia will train using Alpenia military technology, so you don't take part in physical training today, Amelia. I'll show Amelia to the room. You guys went to the room yesterday. You still remember the way, don't you?"

Mikita, Alfaro and Carlos nodded their heads as a sign that they still remembered the way to the room yesterday.

"Okay then, come on, Amelia. Later there will be an instructor to train you and I won't just accompany you. So behave well in front of you. You too. That's all, now, let's go!"

Amelia walked towards Major Peter who was walking out, while Mikita got up from her chair and stood in front of Alfaro and Carlos while starting to talk.

"Okay, as your leader, I want to say a few words of encouragement first. Cheer up everyone! Let's go!"

(He actually said spirit.)

Alfaro and Carlos' inner voices responded to Mikita's words of encouragement at the same time. Not long after, the three of them started walking out of the room towards their physical training area.