Dragonheart Guild

As I strolled along the pavement, I noticed somebody dashing towards me. "Yo Dragonheart!" I sighed heavily. "Quit referring to me as that Luca, my name is still Matheo." Luca beamed. "Yea nah I'll remain with Dragonheart." He uttered while snatching the box from my grasp. "Come follow me i parked my car around the corner. 

We walked around the corner, where I beheld a scarlet sports car parked. I queried as I placed my items in the car's rear seat, "Did you really purchase a sports car, Luca?" He responded, opening his door and ascending into the driver's chair, "Indeed, man, I gained much from the latest competition, so I figured I may as well put the prize money to good use." 

I entered the car and we drove off towards my house. After a 15 km journey, we eventually reached my house. I got out of the car and collected my belongings. "See you soon buddy. I need to park the car." He said and drove away to the side of the building. I ascended the three stairs and opened the main door. "Ahh! I'm finally home." I exclaimed as I stepped in. 

After a while, Luca sauntered into the room. "So, how does it feel to be unemployed? It's quite pleasant, isn't it? Why don't you come join me and become a professional gamer? It earns quite well, even though we don't need the money, it's still a nice thing to do." He continued, as he leapt onto the couch. I gazed at him as I stepped towards the seat in front of him and seated. "Are you familiar with GWO?" I spoke with an even tone and crossed my legs. 

He inquired with a bored tone, "Are you implying Guild World Online?" I nodded affirmatively in agreement. "Yeah, I had a few people from GGN asking me to join their guild as a general, but I wasn't particularly keen on the idea. Though the game looked interesting. Why are you thinking of signing up?" He enquired with a determined intonation. I declared with a relaxed tone that I'm going to join, due to there being nothing else I can do presently. "How about you let me join you? I think we can make a really cool guild. I'll leave the guild master too you i don't need all those responsibilities, I'll just follow your lead. Come on, let's go on their website and see if its already live." He said while grabbing his laptop and opening the Guild World website.

I took a seat next to Luca.

 ^ 30 Min until the launch of Guild World Online ^

"In approximately half an hour, we can create an account. Meanwhile, let's watch the video here." He said with a cheerful expression.

--Video Title: The Queen has entered Guild World Online--

** "Greetings to all those viewing, today is the long-awaited day where we are finally throwing open the doors to Guild World Online. To kick off the show, let us introduce the most renowned and biggest model celebrity of the world, Emmeline." The audience erupted with loud cheers as she strolled onto the stage. "Thank you for inviting me. Hi everyone, it's great to be here," she said with a gracious grin. **

He turned his head to Matheo in surprise, exclaiming "What's sis doing in this video? She never said she was back in Hong Kong! That sly minx!" I gazed intently at the video, pondering, "Lina has returned to Hong Kong!" 

** The host grinned and asked Emmeline, "Are you prepared to be one of the pioneers to join the game and establish the first guild ever in the Guild World?" She chortled with joy, "I can hardly contain my anticipation, I've heard such a great amount about the game that I feel like I even envisioned it one time." Her giggle spread cheer around her, making her fans and the crowd beam. The host declared, rising to his feet and striding towards the colossal contraption that was situated in the middle of the stage, "Come along then, let's begin this performance!" Rising from her seat, she headed towards the host of the program. Her face showed bafflement as she inquired, "What is this gadget? Never have I seen one like this before. Is it a fresh type of gaming contraption?"

The host pivoted his head towards the audience. "Indeed, as you can see, this is a fresh machine created by the GGN, a complete Dive in device. For the first time ever, we will have the capacity to enter the realm of video games with this device. At the point when you step into the machine, it will transport you to the beginning part of the game where you will be able to craft your character and your class and so forth. But that's enough words Emmeline, can you please move into the device for us?" As he was delivering his last expression she moved into the device standing in the center. And on the right side, she noticed a glowing green button and a screen saying press to begin. She queried the host if she should press it. He replied in the affirmative, "Yes, go ahead and start." In response, she pressed the emerald switch and suddenly, a radiant heat descended upon her, making her vanish from sight. Everyone around was perplexed and looked around for her, only for the monitor above her to light up, showing her presence.

Everyone started screaming and shouting by aawh how amazing this was and at the same time. Emmeline was standing in the middle of a white and blank, empty space. But then she heard a voice. "Welcome Emmeline this will also be your name in game, what type of attribute do you want to invest in you have 10 points to start with." The voice said to her, so she made a decision for these attributes:

*Power - 5 points

*Agility - 3 Points 

*Luck - 2 Points 

The voice asked you to name your guild, as you are the first one to arrive here, thus you are only allowed to create one. Expressing gratitude for choosing your attributes, it requested for you to disclose the title of your newly formed guild. 

Guild Name: The Blue Flowers **

As the show was underway, "Dragonheart," he asked with a smirk, "what will be the name of our guild? Have you considered any options?" I swivelled my head to face Luca, expressing my disappointment as I said, "I still haven't had any inspiration to come up with a name for the guild." He was sitting there, with a mischievous expression. "Come on, why not employ your last name? It would be a fantastic choice for the guild." I was taken aback. "That's a great suggestion, yeah let's go for it." He rose. "So, Dragonheart it is then." 

^ 5 Min until the launch of Guild World Online ^