Chapter 127

While there were a dozen small contacts made before that day, true first contact with the rogue swarm was far more volatile, explosive, and shocking than even the most pessimistic of the Veratocracy had ever dreamed possible. Until that moment, respect and credence had been given to the Gran Verat's prophecy that had precipitated the Great Purge. After that small group of the scaled menaces made their response to our presence, there was not a single doubter of the Gran Verat's divinity and prophetic ability. To this day, we cannot be sure of what exactly they did in retribution, but some have seen the results of the swarm's victory. 

It is obvious why the keelish menace is to be purged. May their race be scrubbed from the face of the world.

-From the notes of renowned historian Ahyalt di'Nielta

[Quest completed. Skill evolution achieved. Title upgraded. Growth achieved. Quest board updated. Status updated.]

[The user has discovered the first iteration of the Fourth of the Words of Power of Nievtala. The user has been blessed with the lesser blessing of supremacy. The user has been provided with the Skill: Imperial Bearing.]

As I was overwhelmed by the litany of notifications from the [System], I was surprised by how many things had changed. Once the hatchlings had all left, I dismissed every member from my pack so that I could go through my new [Status] and figure out all of what had changed.


Name: Ashlani

Race: Sonic Khatif Alpha

Titles: Chosen of Nievtala=>Disciple of Nievtala

Current quests: 

-Hunt 3 new species. Reward will vary depending upon the evolutionary level of prey. Base reward: Constitution, Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Magic +2.

-Gain control of 15% of the entire swarm. Reward: Constitution, Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Magic +5. Progress: 14%

- Speak the entirety of the First Iteration of the Words of Power of Nievtala. Reward: Constitution, Strength, Agility +4, Intelligence, Magic +3. Progress: COMPLETED. NEW QUEST: Speak the entirety of the True Words of Power of Nievtala. Rewards: Upgrade to Title: Disciple of Nievtala; Acquisition of Skill: Voice of the Divine; Constitution, Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Magic +8.


-Constitution: 64+4+5=73

-Strength: 75+4+5=84

-Agility: 79+4+5=88

-Intelligence: 65+3+5=73

-Magic: 66+3+5=74


Adversary: 5/10

Combatant's Bloodlust: Unqualified, 1/4

Dominance=>True Dominance: 0/5

Evolutionary foresight (Cannot Evolve)

Evolutionary Guide (Cannot Evolve)

Exceptional Individual (Cannot Evolve)

Imperial Bearing (Cannot Evolve)

Improved Vision: 0/18

Innate Leadership (Cannot Evolve)

Pack Tactics: 4/10

Pain Tolerance (Cannot Evolve)

Profound Sonilphon: 3/5

-Debilitating Diatribe (Cannot Evolve)

-Innervating Address (Cannot Evolve)

-Quaking Claw (Cannot Evolve)

Evolutionary Possibilities

-Sonic Khatif Swarm Alpha: Become the undisputed leader of a swarm of at least 250 keelish. Progress: 138/250, disputed.

-Sonic Keel: Speak the entirety of the True Words of Power of Nievtala. Progress: 0/1

Other evolutions possible, but not currently foreseen. Progress further, and such possibilities will be presented to you.]

With so many upgrades and changes to my [Status], I couldn't bring myself to focus on any one of them, and eventually involuntarily looked at the second of my [Quests]. Before, the total number of keelish in the swarm had been over 1000, and now, it was under that, even counting these new hatchlings. We hunters were being hunted, and the thought burned and stung when it crossed my mind. Humans dared to make prey of me? No, never. The flash of rage through my mind pulled me from my stupor, and I began to look through my [Status], starting at the top.

One of the two things I really hadn't expected was the evolution of my [Title]. I couldn't be sure why that was, but I assumed at least part of it was due to my completing the "first iteration of the Words of Power of Nievtala", especially looking at my newest [Quest]. But, keeping myself from being lost in the circular nature of the relations between the changes to my [Status], I focused on the new [Title].

[Previous Title: Chosen of Nievtala; a Title that shows that the holder is one of the currently living beings that can receive direction and influence directly from the Goddess Nievtala. Effects of Title: +5 to all Stats, and the ability to receive additional guidance from Nievtala. This Title can evolve. Title Evolution requirements: Title holder must speak all of the First Iteration of the Words of Power of Nievtala and receive the approval of Nievtala.]

[Current Title: Disciple of Nievtala; a Title that shows that proves the holder select and favored above even the Chosen of the Goddess Nievtala. A god's Disciple may receive more direct and intelligible direction and influence from the object of their worship than a Chosen. Effects of Title: +10 to all Stats, and the ability to converse with Nievtala. This Title can evolve. Title Evolution requirements: Title holder must speak all of the True Words of Power of Nievtala and evolve to become a Keel.]

Well, that answered if the cause of my [Title]'s evolution was my Speaking the Fourth of the Words. I must have already garnered the approval of Nievtala, though I couldn't say I'd ever received any direction or influence from her since acquiring the [Title] of Chosen. Thinking back, I was rather glad to realize as much, that I hadn't been forced any which way, still being left to my own devices and plans. If all this [Title] offered me was more Stats, then I would be happy. 

Just as that thought crossed my mind, the touch of a voice pressed onto my mind, but different to anything I'd ever experienced before. The voice was firm, motherly, warm, kind, enraged, powerful, and all encompassing. Divine. I felt my soul quake in absolute, abject submission to the presence, and I fought to keep myself standing during this briefest touch of pressure that I intrinsically understood to be but a fragment of a facet of Nievtala's power. I got the limited sense of worry and approval with her words: 

Hunt. Survive. Grow.

Then, her influence faded as quickly as it had come and I was left gasping and trembling in the absence of Nievtala's power. Despite myself, I feared her viscerally, collapsed to the floor, and doubted continuing on any path towards becoming Keel. That was how I laid when the [System] sent me an additional notification.

[The Administrator apologizes on behalf of Nievtala. She says that Nievtala is sufficiently chagrined, and had forgotten the impact that her presence has on mortals. She says that it had been so long since Nievtala had had contact with any Disciple that she became overly excited and immediately reached out once she realized that she could.]

The realization was slow to come as my mind reeled from Nievtala's brief touch on my mind. A goddess… was… apologizing? I gathered the fragments of my mind back together and tried to disregard the overwhelming assault on my mind I'd just sustained. Slowly, gradually, finally, I recovered enough to regret having though anything so trivial about a god. Finally, I was forced to admit that they existed, and were so far above and beyond me that I could only lay low and hope not to incur their attention, much less their wrath. 

I shook my head, and gathered myself enough to consider what the blessing of supremacy brought me, beyond this roaring headache. 

[Skill: Imperial Bearing; a passive Skill granted to those who have earned and are granted the innate ability and right to rule. This Skill grants a heightened ability to resist the influence of any Skills, Titles, Occupations, Races, and any other ability that may affect the Skill holder's ability to control themself. Additionally, every Skill, Title, Occupation, Race, and any other ability that the Skill holder has that influences others is heightened in power, scope, and proficiency. This Skill cannot evolve.]

Not only was this [Skill] seemingly broad in scope and somewhat unclear to me, I realized something else about it–it was the fourth [Skill] necessary for the evolution of [Combatant's Bloodlust], and finally, I was seeing some level of progress there. Beyond that, though, was the rest of my [Status].