Chapter 256

"You asked me before to tell you about the [System]. What do you want to know?"

"Are all creatures under the influence of the [System] even if they do not have direct access to their personal [Status]?" Her responding question was immediate.

"I…" I took a moment to ask the [System], relaying its answer as I received it.

[All creatures under the administrative influence of the Administrative Body are also under the influence of the System, regardless of if they individually are a System user.]

"Are all creatures on this land under the administrative influence of the Administrative Body?"

[Question unclear. Please restate.]

"Are all creatures on this planet under the administrative influence of the Administrative Body?"


"What exactly is a [System] user, and how are they different from any other individual who is, ostensibly, under the influence and purview of the [System]?"

[A System user is an elect individual who can see their Status and, upon evolution and Systemic progression, can reap the rewards logically granted by the acquisition of additional information thus provided.]

"How many [System] users can there be?"

[General information is unclear to be communicated without trespassing information limitations. With redactions, a clear picture can be communicated. There can only ever be a single user per each of the species belonging to the dominions of REDACTED. Though imprecise, it can be generally understood that there can be a singular user per selected species.]

"How many [System] users are there currently?"

[The Administrative Body does not allow for this information to be passed on to any individuals under the administrative influence of the System nor the Administrative Body.]

"How many selected species are there?"

[The Administrative Body does not allow for this information to be passed on to any individuals under the administrative influence of the System nor the Administrative Body.]

On and on Sybil questioned, questions ranging from how to know when the next [System] user would be born (wouldn't say) to how to gain more individual access to the [System] and its guidance. Unfortunately, the deeper she pried and the more she sought to learn, the less information we received until, finally, Sybil stomped off with her tail lashing in frustration as she muttered to herself about the stupidity of Administrative Bodies.

With all that she had brought up, though, I focused on the possibility of meeting one in my travels, and what exactly an increase in the [rewards logically granted by the acquisition of additional information] would entail. It had remained stubbornly in the camp of [The Administrator has deemed it unnecessary to divulge that information].

"Swarm Alpha, if I may."

"Of course Greel." The formality of the young keelish's approach that pulled me from my musing made me sigh and laugh in equal portions, but I made sure never to respond with anything less than respect and understanding. 

"How did you learn how to use your magic the way you did before?" His face nearly glowed with enthusiasm as he plied me with questions, "What exactly did you do? How did you think of it? Do you think that I could do that with my magic once I learn whatever it is?"

I couldn't help but notice Trai listening surreptitiously while pretending to be busy with something underfoot. Leera was trying to get her attention while she loitered, but Trai snapped at him and scared him off as I began to speak. "Well, short answer is that I figured it out." I paused, then continued walking as if that was all I had to say.

Greel struggled, I could hear his stuttering attempt at continuing the conversation, but the confusion at my abrupt and uncharacteristic brusque answer held him back from pushing for an answer. Finally, Trai jogged forward and cut me off. "Look, Alpha, what do you–" She cut off once she noticed the barely contained laughter on my face. Her jaw dropped, her scaly face slowly recognizing she and her companion had been tricked. Then, ever quick on her feet, she joined in.

"Oh, you know… I don't use magic, so it doesn't matter if I understand what you were talking about anyways. I mean, my dad doesn't have to either." She shrugged, and with a sway of her tail just like Shemira or Sybil's sassy nonchalance, began to saunter off. I couldn't help but grin. This girl had the same "I'm so pleased with myself" strut that her adoptive mothers did.

Regardless of Trai's quick uptake, Greel stood gaping, wondering at how what I'd said was meant to be any sort of an answer. I glanced over at him and smiled softly. 


"Yes, Alpha!" He stood bolt upright.

"Relax. It's a joke." He slowly nodded.

"Yeah. Of course. How so?"

"I'd always meant to tell anyone who asked. After all, the strength of the swarm is my strength in turn. I just wanted to get a rise out of you."

"Oh, of course!" Immediately, Greel began to laugh, forced and uncomfortable. I shook my head and reached out.

"No, Greel. You don't understand. And that's ok." I gestured to Trai and her other hangers on, Hala and Leera, standing slightly more aloof. Sideeyeing each other, they slowly approached. "I think all of you young ones are great. I'm not sure how proactive my teaching is as an Alpha, as we continue to grow in numbers, to swell, and divide and change, and grow. I have worked to assist your growth, but I have not taught you well."

Hala slowly spoke up, "I don't want to argue with you. That just… isn't how we work? Keelish learn by doing. You taught me a little, and I've learned a lot more by just… doing after." The hesitant female let her words drift off as she looked at me for approval. Slowly, I noticed several other of the young ones and newer members of the swarm stepping closer, listening to what "wisdom" I could impart.

"We aren't just regular keelish. You've seen what regular keelish are. How limited they are. How weak. Inconsequential. We're more than that. Are we beasts that merely chase and hunt and rut? Or are we the chosen of a goddess, the conquerors of the continent, those who will become true Keel?"

Murmurs filled the air as I continued, repeating previous Words of Power as an additional, familiar sense of reverence settled over me, "We have tempered ourselves through a willingness to sacrifice! We are the blade bared at the throats of those who dare to oppose our path! We are the thrones that the wise submit to! And we are the peak that casts the long shadow!"

As my address grew in fervor and I channeled [Innervating Address], various keelish cries of excitement rang out as the sound swelled until the uproaring clamor filled my ears and shook my bones. I ignored the [System] notifying me that I'd Spoken more of the Words of Power, instead exulting in the power and glory of my people. The formless sounds of excitement slowly transitioned to a chant.

"Ashlani. Ashlani. Ashlani. Ashlani! Ashlani! ASHLANI! ASHLANI!"

I spread my arms and bathed in the praise. I lowered my head and looked over my people, ready to continue my address. 

That was when trumpeting war-cries washed over us.