Chapter 264

I cut through the throat and spine, the assistance from [Destructive Wave] tearing through muscle, fat, and bone effortlessly. The oxfiend, magically calmed by Sybil's magic and cowed my [Adversary] and [True Domination], died in mere moments. The rest of the oxfiend herd didn't react to one of their own's slaughter due to Sybil and Shemira's magical assistance, and once the light had fully left our meal's brown eyes, I left the butchering to the rest of the swarm. 

Since the Yegolide tribe had left us, we'd continued our journey eastward while only feeding on those oxfiends and axebeaks we'd subjugated, though sparingly. Those formerly from Farahlia's swarm complained only once about not being fed–those who'd survived our exodus quickly tamped down all unrest. For her part, Farahlia didn't mind.

"Once, I hunted with my swarm." She admitted when asked, "I led us to fertile lands and spilled blood. Then, I found an easier way, and I stopped engaging in the hunts. I'm enjoying the feeling of the struggle and the fight for survival, especially since I can see that we will be able to feed ourselves if necessary. It's… fun." Her flirtations never ceased, and I realized more and more that, different from Shemira's deliberate act she put on, Farahlia simply enjoyed flirting with anyone and anything anytime.

For my part, I relied on the feeling of satiation brought by [Fanatic's Fortitude] and consciously realized how keelish and khatif packed on weight. Different from a human, excess fat was stored along the tail, beginning at the base, and as I purposefully ate less and less, I saw my tail thin out while the ground-eating lope of our travels came more and more easily to me. By the third day of minimal rations, I could see faint lines of the muscles along my ribs and thighs, but not due to starvation like when we'd fled the High Speakers.

My body was now honed for battle and travel, and the weeks I'd spent indulging in as much food as I could manage whenever we'd found it were slowly shaved off of me. Around me, my swarm hardened themselves, and I only realized in retrospect how soft we'd become. 

"One meal a day, until further notice." I commanded my inner circle on the night of the third day. In the dark, I could see their warm bodies stiffen with confusion. Even so, there were no immediate complaints. Instead, most looked directly at Sybil, who didn't react to the attention. When she didn't voice a complaint, Silf asked, "I will. But why?"

"Do you remember your first days as a hatchling, Silf?" I asked in response.

"Somewhat, yes."

"They're cloudy for me too. Even so, I remember. When did you have your first hunt?" Hushed murmurs from others showed some beginning to understand. I listened to Silf's response.

"I… maybe a day old? You were there, we were brought to kill some frogs that the adults in the swarm brought for us."

"Some of the brood died." I agreed. "And how have you fed yourself ever since?"

"Hunting–" Silf understood. "We're soft. We haven't had to fight for much, other than those indlovu, for a while. Even those… what did you call them?" "Ishabaak." "Yeah, ishabaak. Even they weren't that dangerous, once we actually knew they were there."

"Exactly. I want to preserve our herds, because they're more valuable than just their meat right now. More than that, we're keelish. We'll become Keel, something more than that. And my people will NOT be weak, complacent, or soft."

"This hasn't let me get soft, like the rest of you." Ytte good-naturedly laughed as she kicked her always present rock. "But it makes sense. I'm one of the only old ones. We fight for what we have. We fight to keep it. Nothing will let a keelish be happy and holding still."

"Victory by fang and blood." Took said, her frills flaring in agreement with the sentiment.

"Forged in battle."

"On the hunt."

"Fighting for survival."

A chorus of uncoordinated agreement washed over us, and Sybil spoke up, "From tomorrow. One meal a day."

"Now," I added as my inner circle agreed with my rationing plan, "Qaqambi said that I might be interested in something about a day's travel north of where we are. I think that we should go, I trust him. What do you all say?"

After a moment's silence, Shemira spoke. "I trust him enough, but why would we risk it? He's treated us well, but others won't. Maybe it'd be something we like, but if it killed someone…" She let her thought trail off.

"He is a warrior." Took responded, "He spoke fairly, with what I understood. I think it is not a bad idea to go."

"It's just too unsure." Vefir countered. "Maybe they just built up a level of trustworthiness so that now they could prepare an ambush. We know the Moonchildren and Veratocracy think we're pests. Even Shandr and the people there wanted us dead, and the Misti Hawar said they're our ancient enemies. Who knows if the indlovu think the same?"

"I disagree." Sybil stated, much of the discussion immediately going silent. "I felt their minds in a way that you all cannot. They do not seem to have any word for lying or liar. In their words, with their magic, they simply cannot tell untruths. Although what the Chieftain Qaqambi said was not in their tongue, I do not think him capable of or willing to deceive us. Even if what he recommended is merely of interest, I believe it would be worth it to visit his suggested location. I suspect, however, that what he has said would be beneficial to our Alpha individually or the swarm as a whole."

"Maybe it's just because I never felt that," Shemira answered, "but I'm not ready to stake my life on it. That's what the other option could be."

Though never insulting or demeaning, the leaders of my swarm continued to argue back and forth, entertaining each side and debating the benefits and detriments to each. I was surprised to see Shemira and Sybil heading the two sides, given how well they typically got on with each other, but with Vefir and Took backing their respective sides, the argument continued without any resolution in sight. 

"Ok." I said, raising my hands and interrupting a debate about how well we could or couldn't fight off a concentrated force of indlovu. "I've heard both sides. Both have merit. I'm glad you all have been able to voice your concerns with either course of action. Foire, you and Silf will range out a ways from us and see what you can as we make our approach. We'll be cautious, but I'm inclined to believe that Qaqambi, and to a lesser extent, the Yegolide, do not wish us any harm. Any disagreements?"

Silence answered me. I looked at Shemira. "I know you disagreed with this course of action. Is there anything else you would like to say before I officially make this decision? I trust your input, even if I disagree with your suggestion this time."

Shemira's tail flicked agitatedly back and forth. "I don't think you're wrong. I mean, I think that whatever's there is good. But if we're wrong, I want to be safe. Right?"

"I agree. We'll approach cautiously, but I think we should go."

"I said my piece." She turned. "I support you."

There was an additional chorus of approving voices at Shemira's concession, and so we rested for the night before beginning our sidetracking adventure towards the mysterious north.