Chapter 9: She's my sister, Teacher!

Once upon a time, there was a girl who had everything this world had to offer. Fame, brains, and looks. Money isn't also an issue because of her wonderful parents. One day, she met—


"Hey, this story sucks; just hearing its introduction makes me want to die. I've had a long day, you know. Get out of my room so I can sleep," interrupted Takahashi Keisuke.


"Shut up and listen! My story has a moral lesson, you know?!" yelled the sister.


"Then skip to the moral lesson! I don't need to hear that long, boring story of yours!" screamed Keisuke.


"Ugh! Don't you want to hear the story of your amazing sister?!" yelled the sister.


"My story is much more interesting than yours. So let's call it a day. It's a waste of time," said Keisuke.


The sister stood up from her seat and slowly approached Keisuke. Without hesitation, she slapped Keisuke with her palm. Her actions shocked Keisuke, who groaned from the pain she inflicted.


"What the hell?!" screamed Keisuke.


"Just shut up and listen. You ungrateful brat," said the sister.


"Tsk," muttered Keisuke.






Once upon a time, there was a girl who had everything this world had to offer—


"Why do you have to start with 'once upon a time'? It sounds lame," interrupted Keisuke.


Once again, without hesitation, the sister slapped the hell out of Keisuke.


"Ow!" screamed Keisuke.






In a high-elite school, there was a girl who had everything this world had to offer. Fame, brains, and—


"Haha! She actually changed it!" laughed Keisuke, interrupting her sister once again.


"Ugh! That's it! I'm going to kill you!" screamed the sister.


"Monster!" screamed Keisuke.


Keisuke rushed out of his room to avoid being caught by her sister. He skipped stepping on their stairs and jumped straight to the first floor. The two reached the kitchen, and similar to a cat chasing a mouse, they ran all over the house.


"You two, don't run around the house!" screamed their mother.






Keisuke Takahashi's POV


I've run all around the house to avoid being caught by my sister. She stopped chasing me because she was yelled at by my mom. I didn't because I told mom that my sister started it. Similar to my condition, she's also tired and sweating a lot. She's fast when it comes to running, but I'm faster. Athletism flows through our blood; that's mostly the reason why my sister and I never had any problems when it comes to sports.


"How's college?" I asked.


The two of us are sitting in my room once again, with chips and soft drinks at the center of us. It's normal for us to have a fight whenever we meet, but it doesn't last. It's been a while since we last saw each other, so I've been looking forward to hearing a little about her present life. Not the one from the past.


"It's boring. My classmates are dying and barely alive just from passing the activities. There's no one to compete. Even in college, I'm still the best," bragged my sister.


"It seems like my life right now is much more interesting compared to yours," I bragged.


"I agree. Having a 15-year-old teacher sounds fun. You like her, right?" asked my sister.


"No," I said without hesitation.


My sister glanced at my phone and quickly snatched it.


"Let see, let see," said my sister.


I changed my passcode, so I'm confident that she won't open it. I just took a chip out of the wrapper and took a bite. My sister fiddled with my phone, and the sound of my phone being unlocked was heard.


"Hah, got it," said my sister.


"Hah?!" I screamed.


How did she know my passcode?! I changed it just a month ago! I also didn't tell anyone about it, including mom!


I rushed it towards my sister to snatch my phone back, but she grabbed my head with her right hand.


"Let's see, let's see, ah! There she is! You got her number? Nice one, little brother," said my sister.


"Stop it!" I screamed.


"Let's call her," said my sister.


"No!" I screamed.


My sister fiddled with my phone, using her left hand to call Mei Shimizu. However, just as she was going to call her, a contact appeared on the screen. It was Mei Shimizu who took the initiative to call me.


"Wow," said my sister.


She clicked the green button and immediately handed me my phone. I panicked as the phone made a sound for a video call.


"Ah, it connected," said a male voice on the other side.


It's not Mei Shimizu that appeared on the screen, but a young man. I can't see his whole face; it's just his eyes that can be seen on the camera.


"Who are you?" asked the young man on the screen.


"Excuse me?" I muttered.


Beside me is my sister, forcing herself to not laugh. She's covering her mouth, but she's slamming the ground. She's definitely finding my conversation with this guy funny.


"Who are you to my sister?" asked the young man on the screen.


"Huh?" I wondered.


"Yuta! Where's my phone?" A familiar girly voice can be heard in the background.


"Answer me," said the young man on the phone.


"He's her boyfriend," said my sister, joining in.


This witch! I immediately kicked her with my left leg and jumped away from her.


"No, I'm not! I'm just her—"


"Ah! Yuta! What are you doing?!" screamed the girly voice in the background.


She snatched the phone from the young man and ran away. Her pink hair can be seen on the screen, including herself wearing casual clothes. It's Mei Shimizu in the flesh.


"Why did you call? You miss me already?" I teased.


My sister, in my bed, suddenly whistled. "Smooth," she said.


"I apologize; it's my brother that called you," said Mei Shimizu.


"Ah! Ah! Ah!" my sister, out of nowhere, suddenly made erotic sounds.


This foolish sister of mine! She's crazy! I immediately turned to her and gave her another kick in the leg.


"AH! AH! AH!" moaned my sister.


She increased the volume of her moan, so I let go of the phone and was forced to close her mouth with my hands.


"It seems you're busy with another woman," said Mei Shimizu.


"No, that's not—"


She hung up.


The beeping noise of my phone filled up the room. I'm still processing what happened just now. Her brother called me for some reason; I teased her, and this sister of mine moaned her voice out.


"Mhm! Mhm!" moaned my sister.


My hands are still in her mouth. I turned my eyes toward her, and I can tell she's laughing at me.


"You! I'm going to kill you!" I screamed.


She instantly used her right hand to push me away. I was pushed and fell out of bed. I immediately got up from the ground and jumped at her.


"Deserve!" she said.


She immediately braced herself for my tackle and did a roundhouse kick. Her feet landed directly in my face, and I fell to the ground.


"She's probably mad now," said my sister.


"You'll pay for this," I muttered.


She walked towards the door and stuck her tongue out, making fun of me for ruining my current relationship with Mei Shimizu.


"You told me you weren't interested in her, right?" asked my sister.


"I'm not," I said.


"Then it's not a big deal," said my sister.


With that exchange of words, she walked out of the room. Mei Shimizu probably misunderstood what just happened. I also don't have to explain what happened earlier since she's not my girlfriend.


My chest suddenly ached for some reason. I placed my hand in it and tightly grabbed my shirt. She's not my girlfriend. She's just my teacher; no, she's just a teacher at my school. I don't have to explain myself to her. But, why? Why does it feel like I want to explain it? Why do I hate the feeling that she's misunderstanding this?

