Oh great Something other than Dumb s***

When I woke up, I went outside and thought of what l am going to do Today Then I remember what I said yesterday. So I decided to do something productive Get clean energy so that way when all the energy world stops. Working I will plenty of energy. Authors Note I try to be realistic as possible. Today is technically a week, so like the power should be out But you know, plot armor.

I decided to get an electric powered four wheeler so I search up on the Internet but guess what The Internet didn't work so I guess I'll have to find one. I thought I would just go to like I don't know like a Nissan store and find one well anyway they'll be project for tomorrow.

I went to the store, and grab all the Solar powered panels and Wind power turbine so that way I would have power by the time The power went out in the world, because no one manning the power grids I got home I tried to Install solar panels I looked at my great work and thought damn, I Did sh*** Job.

POV switch the capybara of death, a capybara thought as he's going To America to find the human who try to Eat him But instead, I'm going to eat him because this is one revenge of the capybara The capybara said To himself, as he is on a floating Piece of wood going towards America.