Sacrificial Tome

[Congratulations! You got the 'Sacrificial Tomb' as a starter gift!]

[It will be delivered in 00:00:02:00 in the tower!]

William scratched his head, he looked at the time two times before he made up his mind that it was coming in 2 minutes.

"But a sacrifice tomb? What even is that?" 

Before William knew it, the 2 minute time was already over. Time truly flew when he had so much to think about.

With a faint shimmer of light, a book materialized before him.

 It seemed to appear out of thin air, suspended in mid-air for a brief moment before gently floating down to the ground in front of William.

He blinked in surprise, his eyes fixated on the book. It was unlike any book he had ever seen.

 The cover was bound in what appeared to be dark, weathered leather, etched with intricate patterns that seemed to have something of an alive feeling.

"Ugh… gross." William couldn't help but not touch the book on the ground.

It had the face of a demon-looking creature on it which made it even harder to touch it. The book looked downright ominous.

William thought of what was written in the book and how it could affect him and the hologram opened from the object on his wrist again.


Sacrificial Tomb

Type: Artifact

The Sacrifice Book is a mysteriously ancient artifact that defies conventional understanding. It is said to be a gift from an otherworldly power, bestowed upon select individuals in times of great need.


 [Blood Pact]- The Sacrificial tomb allows its owner to form a unique connection with the book itself. By signing a contract in one's blood on the first page, the owner becomes bound to the tomb, forging a soul bond. This pact grants the owner access to the tomb's powers but it comes at a price.

 [Sacrificial Rites]- The true power of the Sacrifice Book lies in its ability to channel the life force of the owner. Through carefully performed rituals and sacrifices, the owner can tap into the book's magic. This magic can be harnessed for various purposes, such as enhancing one's physical abilities, casting powerful spells, or even summoning otherworldly beings. However, each use of this power takes a toll on the owner's vitality.

[Soul Affinity]- The Sacrifice Book is attuned to the owner's soul. Over time, it adapts and evolves in response to the owner's experiences and choices. This affinity can result in unique abilities and enhancements that cater to the owner's strengths and preferences, making each Sacrifice Book truly one of a kind.

[Limitless Potential]- The Sacrifice Book has seemingly limitless potential, but it demands a price. The more power one seeks to extract from it, the greater the sacrifices required. It is a delicate balance between harnessing its power and preserving one's own vitality.


"Woah Woah Woah, I did not expect the sacrifice to be me?!" William without even touching the tomb got to know what it did. So was the power the object on his wrist held.

"According to the description, it won't be activated till I give it my blood… Why the hell would I even do that?"

William stared at the ominous Sacrifice Book lying on the ground, its dark, weathered cover exuding ominous energy. The face of the demon creature etched onto the cover sent shivers down his spine. It was anything but inviting.

Gathering his courage, he examined the hologram description that had appeared on the object on his wrist. 

The Sacrificial Book was undeniably good, but the thought of signing a contract in his own blood and getting the tomb's magic at the cost of his own vitality made him hesitate.

"Why would I even do that? Vitality is clearly my own life, why would I exhaust my life just for the sake of power? This feels like a deal with demons sister talked about in all the stories."

William muttered to himself, his eyes locked on the mysterious tome. He weighed the potential benefits against the risks.

The promise of supernatural abilities was enticing but it sounded like a demon deal that would just make him dig his own grave.

He couldn't deny his curiosity, though.

The damn artifact had chosen him as its owner or was going to, and he couldn't simply ignore its presence.

What secrets did the description talk about? What kind of power could he get through it?

After a few moments of internal debate, William decided to take a more cautious approach. 

He wouldn't jump into a blood pact blindly. Instead, he decided to study the book first, and learn about it little by little.

Carefully, he reached out with his foot and nudged the book, flipping it open with a sense of fearlessness.

He didn't know where the fearlessness came from but clearly, it was going to be his end one day.

The book cover opened and William could now look at the first page, the book looked old with olive-colored pages. There were only two letters written on it and it was surprisingly in English.

Drop Blood

William constricted his face in a frown, clearly unhappy with how the book was just trying to force him to drop his blood.

'Forget it' William nudged the cover back to its place and without further contact with the book, he went away from it.

Now Only one last function was left to take care of.

"Let's have some civilized contact now huh."

William single-clicked the object on his wrist and looked at the hologram with a frown.





There were only two options for now and he knew where he had to go.


World Chat

100 km Chat


"Huh, I forgot to think about the others." William just shook his head and clicked on the 100 km Chat


[Tower55725: Is anyone here?]

[Tower55725: Please don't tell me no one is near me?]

[Tower55725: Hellooooo?!]


William looked at the chat messages in front of him with relief. 

There was a person near him! 

That too, a person who was desperate to talk!

William felt lucky.


[Tower11503: I am here…]


"So my name is Tower11503? Sounds cool."