Potion Brewing Station (2)


Tower Upgrades: 

+5 Defense: 30 Points

Defense Bot: 60 Points (Maxed)

Attack Bot: 60 Points (Maxed)

Reinforced Walls: 200 points

Auto-Repair System: 500 Points

Energy shield: 300 Points

Potion Brewing Station: 1000 Points

Library of Skills: 10,000 Points

+ 1% Water element Buff: 500 Points


William calculated the points, '2935 are left huh, That's a lot.' He thought.

'With this, the bots are maxed again, I need something that can protect the tower even when I am not there, I need to make it self-sufficient…'

His gaze fell on two specific upgrades, 'Auto-Repair System' and 'Energy Shield'.

'If I get them, 800 points will leave right away but… at the same time, they will also help in the long term. It's not like I can get the library of skills in this wave.'