Skill Enhancement

William first recovered the health of the bots to the norm again, it took some points but the upgrades were necessary.

He went and made as many upgrades as he could, he had 4000 tower points, enough to get most of the upgrades.


Tower Upgrades: 

+5 Defense: 30 Points

Defense Bot: 60 Points (Maxed)

Attack Bot: 60 Points (Maxed)

Reinforced Walls: 200 points

Auto-Repair System: 500 Points (1 completed out of 5)

Energy shield: 300 Points

Potion Brewing Station: 1000 Points (Maxed)

Library of Skills: 10,000 Points

+ 1% Water element Buff: 500 Points


William first made the '+5 defense upgrade', it could be done five times and William did them all, the upgrades were important now.

He maxed the Reinforced walls too maxing it completely.

He spent 1250 points just like that and still had much left.