A deal of skill

William was surprised as to how quickly they accepted the deal, 3000 Tower Points were nothing to scoff at, this amount of tower points could help upgrade the tower in a very significant way.

'Should I have asked for more?' A fleeting thought came, but soon shook his head and not getting too greedy.

"Alright, you are the one who is experienced, so tell me, how will this work?" William asked.

Michael only nodded and tapped on the object on his wrist, making a blue hologram come out that everyone could see.

William tried to see the description yet everything was written in gibberish for him.


"Hm?" William heard a notification from his hologram and he quickly looked it up.

[Player 'Tower_MICH' want to trade with you, do you accept?]

It was Michael's doing and after nodding at him, William pressed the 'Yes'.

Another hologram opened, it was a very straightforward way to trade and William liked it but it also made him shudder.