Double the Trouble (1)

"Alright, you fuckers." William said loudly making the Gremlicks snarl and roar in return. 

William did not know if they could understand or not, probably not, but there was less chance for him to speak in this place.


"I am going to beat the shit out of you, don't worry, but for that…" There was a big grin on William's face as he said, the Gremlicks were angry yet pale at the same time.

"You will have to come to me, no?" 

There was a horde of Gremlicks with hounds in front of him, but they were not like William had seen before.

One after another, they came, tripped on their brethren and one way or another, got stuck in the tar pool below their feet.

While they could have gotten out if they acted quickly, now that so many were making a pile, it was tough to get out of it.

Some were stuck completely with their full bodies in the tar pool.