Academia City

Shin closed his eyes and leaned his head back as Eva initiated the system engagement programs. Suddenly, he felt an overwhelming sensation of drowsiness.

[Systems Engaged]

[Language: Common Federation]

[Username: Shin]

[Password: ***********]

[Dive Initiated]

[Link Start]

Shin heard Eva's voice inside his head as he succumbed to his sudden exhaustion and fell asleep. As his body slumped, his mind flared up, and his eyes started darting around.

A kaleidoscope of light rushed past him as he was transported to an unknown location. Shin looked around him in awe.

Despite the sky above him being pitch blank and a never-ending expanse, there was a soft and gentle light illuminating his surroundings.

Below him was a matching pitch-black liquid that expanded around in all directions infinitely. He looked over his body, shocked.

His body had been replaced with a form of light. He fell to his knees and stared at his reflection in the water, noticing his face was too replaced, only revealing his eyes and teeth.

A whisp of light materialized a few meters above and slowly descended, expanding as it took form, and a beautiful and voluptuous blonde woman wearing a semitransparent white dress appeared.

Glistening gold jewelry adorned her ears, neck, wrists, waist, ankles, and fingers, and a golden crown sat atop her head.

"Welcome to Savage Gods Online, Master Shin." Eva replied, bowing slightly toward him. She turned, and beyond her outstretched arm, five lights appeared.

Shin stood as he walked past Eva and approached the lights. The lights quickly took form, morphing into various humanoid shapes.

In the next moment, a small sphere of light appeared from the backs of the humanoid shapes, and more appeared behind them, repeating until there were five rows.

He approached the first row, and the shapes of light took form, revealing a human body with no face and a bald head. Behind him were three other lights.

Next to the human body was a slightly shorter body with pointed ears and a more petite frame. Similarly to the human, behind the elf were three more lights.

To the right of the elf's body was an even shorter and stout body, but a large and full beard ran down his chest. Behind the dwarf was one light.

Next to the dwarf was an even shorter but slender body with pointed ears like the elvish body. Behind him was one light.

Shin approached the last body and was shocked to see an anamorphic figure. It was slightly shorter than the humanoid body and had fluffy ears and a tail protruding from its rear. Behind it was eight lights.

"What are these lights?" Shin asked, turning to Eva while pointing.

"These are the five races of Themiscrya. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Anima." Eva explained as she approached the young man.

"Each race is further subdivided into additional categories based on certain criteria." She continued.

"I see…" Shin nodded, rubbing his chin as he stared at the divergent races before him, recalling his teachings.

Taking into account the sub-races, there were twenty-one choices. What might seem like an insignificant decision had broader implications.

Each race had a particular set of pros and cons depending upon that specific race. These were not portrayed to the player and had to be learned.

He approached the humanoid body, stood in front of it, and completed his selection. The other lights and bodies vanished and flew into the humanoid before it stepped forward and absorbed Shin.

Unlike the benefits of the other races, humans were the most well-rounded and provided a unique advantage that none of the other races could: increased synchronization.

His consciousness briefly faded as the world began to shift, spiraling around him and causing him to stumble.

"Master Shin, would you like to customize your avatar?" Eva asked, approaching and placing her hand on his shoulder and holding her other hand before him.

A mirror materialized before him, reflecting his bald head and blank eyes. He shook his head, placing his hand on the mirror and pushing it away.

"No. Utilize the body scan function of the pod and impose my features as my avatar." Shin ordered.

Eva nodded and bowed as the young man's body began to glow, morphing to his slightly increased height.

His shaggy hair grew from the top of his head, cascading down to his jawline, and his onyx-like eyes shone brightly.

A body-forming suit with built-in gloves and boots appeared and wrapped around his frame. He flexed his hands while staring down at them, lifting his feet off the water's surface.

"Would you like to initiate Hardcore Mode?" Eva asked, opening her arms as a gear with a skull appeared in the center.

"Yes." Shin nodded as the gear floated toward him, indented itself onto his chest, and spun, transforming the grey and blue bodysuit into one that was black and red.

Hardcore Mode was a game feature that restricted the player's character to a singular life. For normal players, when they die, would be forced to log out for several hours.

Hardcore players were forced to start back over at level one and would lose all of their progress. This mode did offer its own set of bonuses, offering accelerated experience, aptitude, and item drop chance.

Eva went through the basic commands available for players, such as their status and inventory and how to execute them.

"Master Shin, are you ready to be transported to Academia City?" Eva asked after explaining the basics.

"Yes." Shin said, nodding when a pale blue light formed a circle underneath him. The light grew brighter and began rotating around him.

"Enjoy your stay, Master Shin." Eva said, bowing as the light shot into the sky and the young man vanished.

"Everyone!!" A voice shouted a moment later, "Gather together!!"

Shin looked around, noticing he was no longer in the same place and was now standing outside massive castle walls next to a portcullis.

Hundreds of students were standing around, looking at their surroundings with a similar sense of awe, while the professor continued to shout, attempting to gain everyone's attention.

Eventually, every student had finished creating their characters and arrived at Academia City, gathering around the professor.