Midterm Battle (1/2)

Shin walked up the giant stone steps onto the massive stone arena with four stone pillars at each corner of the platform, stopping a dozen meters away from Director Kim.

"Good morning, Shin." The headmaster said, smiling softly as he raised his staff, tapping the ground twice as each gemstone lit up briefly as a barrier formed from the four pillars.

"Good morning, Director Kim." Shin said politely, bowing at him momentarily before reaching behind his back and grabbing the hilt of his greatsword, pulling it before him.

James stepped forward, raising his hand into the air as he spoke loudly and clearly, "I will be the Proctor for this timed, non-life-threatening duel. The challenger, Shin, must survive for three minutes. Does everyone understand the rules?"

Director Kim and Shin both nodded, their gazes fixated on one another. Shin knelt on the ground, both of his feet underneath him as he rested his massive blade on both of his hands against his thighs, closing his eyes.

"Oh?" Kim smirked, raising his brow as a window appeared before him with a timer, asking him to join the duel within the next sixty seconds, and he immediately accepted it.

Shin ignored the window that appeared before him, activating his Battle Meditation as a pale white aura slowly surrounded him, washing over his body and flowing around him.

Everyone stared at him for thirty seconds while the skill activated, the headmaster squinting his eyes as he focused on the young man.

Moments later, the young man's eyes shot open as he stood, gripping his greatsword with both hands as he entered a battle stance and accepted the duel invitation.

Director Kim and Shin were covered in blue transparent lights as a massive number ten appeared between the two and began counting down.

When it hit five, the blue numbers changed to yellow; after three, they became red... two... one... Duel!

Shin immediately raised his greatsword beside his head, pointing the tip toward Director Kim, and unleashed a [Focused Thrust], lunging forward at a blinding speed as he thrust his massive blade forward.

The headmaster was instantly shocked at the blitz, surprised at the young man's speed, raising his hand as a dozen glyphs appeared before him.

A massive translucent shield appeared, blocking Shin's thrust as Kim raised his staff, the red gem brightly lighting up as flames gathered together in the palm of his hand.

He extended his palm forward as the shield vanished, and an overwhelming blast of flames exploded at the young man.

Shin twisted, activating [Blade Burst], as he swung his greatsword upward, white energy wrapping around his blade, and a counter explosion negated the flames.

He threw his sword into the air, the headmaster's eyes following it for a second before it vanished, darting back down to the young man, noticing a shoddy shotgun in his hand as he racked it.

He dashed forward, a bright light emanating from the barrel of his gun as he activated [Point Blank], appearing just before Director Kim, unleashing a powerful blast, sending him flying backward.

Golden light covered Shin's body as the shotgun vanished, and a pair of large gauntlets appeared on his hands. He held both of his palms forward, bringing them together as he raised one above him.

He twirled his arms, smacking his palm against the ground before dashing forward, his gauntlets vanishing in a bright light.

He twirled the daggers in his palms, twisting them into a reverse grip as the director crashed against the arena's barrier, his own barrier vanishing as he landed on the ground.

Director Kim gritted his teeth, pointing his staff toward the rapidly approaching young man as all the gemstones lit up. His robes and large-brimmed wizard's hat flapped wildly as energy burst out of his body.

Spheres of Fire, spikes of ice, blades of wind, jagged crags of stone, spears of lightning, and needles of water formed around the director as he launched the onslaught of spells at the young man.

Shin vanished, disappearing thanks to [Shadowstrike], darting through the spells as they whipped past him, slipping behind Director Kim as he raised his daggers.

An outline of his body appeared; he was transparent as he unleashed a flurry of rapid strikes, piercing Kim's back half a dozen times before he spun around, kicking the headmaster forward and launching him away from the barrier.

The headmaster slammed the pommel of his staff against the stone arena, skidding to a halt and sliding around back to face Shin as he triggered the [Chi Trap].

The glyph appeared underneath him, and a sphere of pale blue energy appeared. A powerful suction occurred from the orb, preventing Director Kim from escaping the [Chi Trap] as lightning crackled and began draining the headmaster's health.

Shin spun around as his armor vanished, a golden light covering his body as robes appeared on it. He held a basic wooden staff high above him.

He slammed the staff against the ground, activating his [Arcane Ward] as an intricate, massive glyph appeared underneath him and slowly rotated.

He quickly switched his staff, replacing it with a simple grimoire in one hand and a small purple orb in the other as he began chanting, the orb emitting a faint light and the grimoire magically opening in the palm of his hand, pages wildly flapping.

"Voayatas Liboaetum Ithmis Atteaairum Verdium!" Shin shouted, purple tendrils appearing around Director Kim's feet, wrapping around his body and vanishing in black ink.

The headmaster quickly raised a temporary barrier around himself, preventing the tentacles from touching him and blocking the ink, before dropping his shield and began casting a counterattack.

Suddenly, the tendrils returned immediately as the [Arcane Ward] activated. Before Director Kim could react, he was inflicted by Shin's [Banishment] spell.

He looked around, purple smoke covering his eyes, ears, and mouth. Shin smirked, gold light surrounding his body once more as his robes vanished and he wore armor again.

A massive sheath rested against his belt and he leaned forward, crouching down as he gripped the hilt of his greatkatana. He pressed his thumb against the guard as a resounding click rang throughout the arena.

"Final Release!" Shin shouted, stepping forward and swinging his greatkatana in a fluid vertical motion.