Newbie Dungeon

"Shin!" Allison exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock at the young man's appearance. The small crowds of students turned and stared at him.

"Good morning." Shin said flatly, unperturbed by the complaints from the rest of his class.

"We were just finishing up here!" Allison awkwardly chuckled as she replied, turning her attention to the various groups, "Now that he's here, which group will accept him?"

The groups began to talk amongst themselves silently as they argued with one another about taking Shin as an extra member.

"We will!" Sienna loudly said, breaking the silence as her leader grabbed her wrist, lowering it as she silently tried to stop her.

"Perfect!" Allison laughed, quickly approaching Shin as she placed her hand on his shoulder and directed him toward the group of girls.

The rest of the groups quickly disappeared while the girls argued quietly amongst each other, quickly stopping and forcing smiles toward their new teammate.

"Hi!" The leader cheerfully said, stepping forward as she extended her hand, "I'm Lauren, our magical DPS."

Shin grabbed her hand, shaking it as she continued with the introductions, "This is Amy; she's our ranged DPS, you know Sienna, our healer, and of course, Lucy, our tank."

"Hey, everyone! I'm Shin; I'm a melee DPS and off-tank." The young man introduced himself as Lauren invited him into the party.

In Savage Gods Online, parties were groups of players that joined together to complete content that cannot be achieved through solo player means.

Parties were integral to the game, allowing up to six players in a single party to create a full party. Five players were a big party, four players were a normal party, three were a small party, and two players were a duo.

Each of the different party types was utilized for various means, and the bonus effects provided were based on the party size.

Shin and Lucy walked beside one another as they discussed their respective roles while Lauren and Amber argued with Sienna silently following them.

As they entered an empty room with a dozen metallic loops scattered around the room, Shin and Lucy stopped, causing the girls to bump into their backs.

John and his group were standing in the middle of the portal room as the massive gorilla crossed his arms over his broad chest.

Shin sighed and stepped forward, but Lucy grabbed his arm, stopping him as she shook her head, approaching John.

"I'm not here to talk to you, wife." John growled, glaring menacingly.

"We're not married yet, John." She countered, approaching him, "Why are you not in your dungeon yet?"

"I'm here to warn him since you and Lauren wouldn't invite me to your group." The gorilla anima explained as Shin approached.

"We were an all-girl party!" She countered, but he huffed loudly.

"And now you're not." He argued, placing his hand on her shoulder and gently pushing her out of his way as he stepped toward Shin, growling, "You'd better not hold them down!"

"You should worry about your party, John." Shin countered, crossing his arms across his chest, and glared up at him, "Now that I'm here, your party is gonna lose first place."

"You wish, loser!" John snarled, huffing in anger and frustration as he turned around and approached the pedestal; a bright purple portal appeared in one of the metallic frames with the rest of his team.

Lauren walked forward and grumbled over the drama the newcomer brought but accessed the panel and input the party information, and a different frame sprung to life.

The purple portal materialized within the frame and hummed softly until the women entered casually, having run over a dozen dungeons already.

Shin approached, standing before it momentarily before he stepped through, and an overwhelming sense of euphoria washed over him.

His vision was distorted, and he could feel his body being pulled in every direction before suddenly landing roughly, slamming onto his feet as he braced himself.

"We've gotten used to our own way of taking things on, so take it slow and pay attention before you try and jump in and ruin our teamwork." Lauren commanded as they walked through the dimly lit tunnels.

Shin nodded and looked over at Sienna, who was smiling at him, and quickly turned her head forward when he smiled back at her.

The group made their way through the tunnels to the first large room, where a dozen goblins stood around. The party grabbed their weapons and stood ready to engage.

Lucy dashed forward, raising her shield as she slammed her sword against it, unleashing a loud scream as she taunted the group of goblins.

Shin launched himself forward, raising his greatsword as he activated [Focused Thrust]. He flew toward a goblin, but as he approached, an arrow soared past him.

The arrow pierced the goblin in the foot and bound it in place, unable to move. Shin grinned as he prepared to defeat it until a fireball soared past his head and instantly killed the enemy.

"Watch it!" Amy yelled as she nocked another arrow on her bowstring and fired it.

Shin narrowed his gaze at her before returning to the battle, and before he could strike another goblin, Lauren launched another fireball, killing his target.

He turned and faced the leader, glaring at her as he knew this wasn't an accident. She smiled at him innocently before casting another spell.

He gritted his teeth and returned to Lucy, battling the goblins as he dashed toward her, only taking a few bounds before skidding to a halt to avoid another arrow flying past him.

"SHIN!" Amy roared, "Quit your playing around and stop getting in our way!"

He tried to close the gap between him and Lucy again, but once more, he was interrupted as a fireball soared past his head.

Shin growled again, his frustration growing beyond his restraint as he screamed, "ENOUGH!"

Everyone present stopped and turned to look at the young man; even the goblins froze as he suddenly vanished, reappearing beside Lucy as he swung his greatsword over his shoulder.

He swung downward, smashing it against the ground as the blade glowed brightly, and he unleashed a powerful blast in front of him, launching the remaining goblins away and killing the entire group.