I Dreamed of Your Ghost Chasing After Me

Staring at his own reflection in the full-length mirror, Calix listlessly buttoned the sage green dress shirt. He exhaled a deep sigh, lamenting how dispirited he looked this morning.

"Hurm... are my eyebags showing much? Doesn't the concealer work?"

Bending forward, Calix lightly touched one of his under eyes, closely inspecting his face. Aside from applying his morning skincare routine, he dabbed some concealer to cover his eyebags.

Calix could barely sleep last night. His mind kept thinking about his conversation with Irene and the tasks he assigned to Edward the other day.

"If guilt can kill, I might be dead already ah. What to do? My heart is too kind."

CEO Xu kept talking to himself, trying to regain his motivation. He didn't want to show how much the matters were weighing his mind. More so when he couldn't really act well when he was alone with Leslie.