Man in the Mirror

'Eh? What place is this?'

Blinking in confusion, Calix slowly looked around him. It seemed like he was inside an apartment, a quite old and small one. He was standing at the entryway, barefoot.

The apartment was quiet as if no one was there. He saw sunlight streaming through the windows, indicating it was the daytime. Tall but old buildings could be seen surrounding the area.

'Why did I feel... weirdly conscious ah?'

Calix looked down at his body. He found himself still wearing the light yellow pajamas from tonight.

Dreaming was not a weird thing when one was sleeping but, Calix was confused because of how real this dream felt. He even remembered going to bed with Leslie and Calliope earlier.

'Should I pinch myself?'

Driven by his curiosity or lack of better judgment, Calix slapped his right cheek.

'Ouch! Ow...'