
I stopped my mangled truck in front of the bunker. I got out of the truck and opened the back passenger door where Zane lay across all three seats. 

'He is still unconscious. I guess I'm just going to carry him back in. It isn't far.'

It actually was far. I did not take into account the steps leading down into the bunker. By the time I reached the bottom, my calves were burning.

'I swear, if he wakes up and tries to kill me, I am going to be so angry.'

I walked past Susan and Tim who were eating on the sofas. Susan jumped up from her seat when she saw Zane in my arms. "Is he alright?"

I nodded. "He should be. He is just unconscious."

"What happened?"

"It's hard to explain, but we ran into some trouble after releasing our prisoner. Thankfully we got out of there without dying."

She nodded. "Very true, do you need me to do anything?"

"Yes actually, could you get some water and bring it here?"

As she left, I pulled out my phone. I had received a lot of text messages and several voice messages. I quickly scanned over them and responded appropriately.

'Hey, I saw your post and I live in the Dallas area. My name is Tessa and I am 21. I am alone, but I have a car. I have several guns and I have protected myself so far, but the Zombies are getting more powerful. Please hurry and send me your coordinates.'

I sent her a quick response. 'Hey Tessa, we would be glad to have you. The coordinates are Lat: xx.xx Lon: xx.xx. 

When you arrive at our gate, knock on the door three times and no more.'

There were several other messages as well. 'Hey, I've got a group of four men. We were playing cards in my basement when everything happened. My name is Anthony. We want to join you to create order in this fucking chaos.'

I responded to him as well. 'Hey Anthony, we will gladly welcome willing working men. Our coordinates are Lat: xx.xx Lon: xx.xx.

When you get to our bunker door, knock on it four times and no more than that.'

I threw my phone down and it hit the little circular wooden table in front of me hard.

'I don't care if the motherfucking thing breaks. I want to go outside and cut some trees down with this strength. I ain't meant to sit down like some lazy shitter. I am a man.'

 I walked up the steps heavily. I quickly tapped in the code and then threw open the door. The light hit my hypersensitive eyes like a freight train. I gritted my teeth and slammed the door behind me. The ground shook as if explosives had just gone off underground. I rubbed my eyes and sighed like a steaming kettle pot.

'Fuckin A. It's time to put some trees down.' 

I walked out to a pine tree with a trunk twice the size of my waist. I brought my fist up, and I punched it. My arm sank all the way through the tree. It was stuck on the other side. I jerked my arm out from the tree. The skin along my arm had been torn and was bleeding everywhere.

Suddenly, a green glow came from my right arm and the cuts disappeared. Within a minute, everything was just as perfect as it was before I had punched the tree, with the exception of the blood everywhere. I did not even feel weak after losing about a quarter of a liter of blood. 

'Yeah that was cool, but I'm gonna grab an ax now.'

Within two minutes, I was back at the tree with an ax. I smiled and then wound myself for a big hit. The ax bit all the way through the pine tree trunk. The ax had quivered dangerously, but it did not break.

I will make a wall, even if I have to myself. This power, I will use it well.

In the following hours, I cut hundreds of trees and carried them over my shoulder like simple groceries. I sharpened them and drove them into the ground. Even so, I had far more to do. The entire forest would have to be cut down. 

As I was dragging a tree towards the others I had stuck in the ground, I saw a group of people walking towards me with surprised expressions. The group was composed of five large men. I supposed they were Jason's group. The group of five men who had supposedly been setting concrete in a bunker.

One of them had a pistol holstered at their side. The others carried makeshift weapons with sharp kitchen knives tied to the end of broom sticks like spears. The weapons had been used and they were bloody. As they approached me closely, I could tell that there was no magical ability within them. They had not consumed a Mana stone.

As they drew near to me, I dropped the bare and sharpened tree and I smiled at them. "Welcome! Are you Jason's group?"

A man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a large build nodded. "I am Jason. We have come quite far. First off, thanks for taking us in. Second, how the fuck are you so strong, or was that thing styrofoam?"

I laughed. "No, that was a real tree. I am glad to have y'all here."

I turned to the others past Jason. "What are your names?"

A bald man with green eyes and a medium build stepped forward and smiled kindly as he offered me his hand. "I am Steven Laeron. I'm glad to be here."

Another man with red hair, brown eyes, and a medium build smiled and began to speak. "My name is Francis Schipe. I am also glad to be here. We would probably have soon died without your interventional message. Truly, you're a lifesaver."

A man with an insanely muscular and large build, blue eyes, and wild long graying black hair shoved the man aside. "Don't listen to Francis, he's a bitch. My name is Jett Star and I want to know how you lifted that whole ass tree."

I shrugged. "I'll tell y'all soon."

Jett nodded. "Fine."

The fifth man in the back was silent and he did not introduce himself to me. Instead, he stared. He had long black hair, green eyes, and a tall and skinny build. It looked as though he knew me. It looked as though he hated me. It looked as though he wanted to kill me.

'I will kill him later.'

Jason introduced the skinny man. "This is Ethan Drop. He isn't usually like this, but the morning before everything happened, he suddenly became strange and kept to himself about everything."

Ethan glared at Jason and then turned away with a frown. 

'He knows something about me. I don't know him. That is not good.'

We began to walk towards the bunker. 

'I will find out what he is hiding before I kill him.'