
Besides Zane and I, Jett was also riding with us. Jett talked to Zane as I drove my green truck. "So, you used to be in the Marines? How many people did you kill?"

Zane sighed. "Not as many as you might expect, but I did kill. It was not fun, it was necessary; just like it is now."

Zane glanced towards me and then back to Jett. "What about you? Have you ever killed someone?"

Jett shook his head. "Never. I used to be a firefighter before getting a criminal record. I was always around death, but I never caused it."

Zane was unphased. "How about Zombies, have you killed any of them?"

"Well, I have. I don't count them as humans though. They are already dead." 

I cut into their conversation. "It still should count subconsciously. They are in the form of a person. They walk on two legs. The only difference is that they have no intelligence, and they are openly hostile to you."

Jett shrugged. "I suppose it's the aggressive part of them that eases my conscience."

"Fair enough."

Zane and Jett continued to talk, but we had already arrived at the crater in front of the bridge. I stopped the car, and I opened my door.

'It's time to shove my blade down into some rotten flesh. It's time for me to get myself some Mana. It is time for Magic.'

Across the gap where the Zombies had exploded and delved deeply into the ground with their magic, there were more Zombies on the ramp and even some on the bridge.

'One thing is certain; they have not been staying still.'

I jumped across the small gap and tapped against the concrete softly. I heard Zane behind me. "I want to be able to do that sort of thing soon too."

I turned around and nodded. "Wait for the others. I am going to quickly kill the ones in front of us."

Zane and Jett nodded. I turned around.

I began to run towards the first zombie that was probably about fifty yards away from me. I reached the zombie in a matter of ten seconds. The zombie whirled around and there seemed to be a path of sickening green light trailing from the zombie's eyes. I pushed my combat knife into the zombie's right eye. The zombie fell limply.

I jumped back several yards in a large leap. I covered my eyes and there was an explosion. ZZZZZTT. 

'There is really a lot of energy in that magic and that isn't even the full force of what it contains. I wonder how the stone is formed within the zombie.'

A second passed. I opened my eyes and turned around. There was dust, but I could see that there was a hole in the bridge where the zombie had exploded upon. The stone had fallen. 

I heard a scream. There were three Zombies running at me from across the bridge. They had been fighting each other, but I suppose that they thought my flesh would be more delicious, or maybe they sensed my formidable Mana force. 

As they approached me, I gritted my teeth.

'I am the best. These Zombies are mindless. I will kill them. I will take their power.'

As I resolved myself, I felt the Mana rising from deep within me. The Zombies seemed to slow and my dagger seemed to be calling me: 'Let me spill their blood. It will be such a fun time!'

My feet left the ground. I became a blur. My feet swirled and then planted between each zombie. I flicked my knife three times. I stood on the other side of the Zombies and they all fell upon the very end of the bridge, dead still. 

I closed my eyes and there were three consecutive explosions behind me. ZZZZZTT. ZZZZZTT. ZZZZZTT. 

Again, dirt and small rocks rained down upon me. I had ended them as the light had not. 

'I am their savior. Perhaps they will thank me when I get to hell.'

As the dust cleared, another hole was revealed. I bent my legs and I jumped straight into the hole through the bridge.

'Those stones are mine.'

As I hit the ground, I saw dozens of Zombies running at me from within the maze of wrecked vehicles. It was as if I was in a jungle of asphalt and burnt chunks of metal. Every single one of the cars had been destroyed by the Zombies. I brought my knife up to face them. 

'I am ready. Give me your power.'

Strangely, the Zombies down below were faster. I sensed much more Mana from them. They probably had larger Mana stones. It didn't matter.

I moved from my position explosively. My dagger passed into each of their heads. It was a strange feeling. Their bodies were beginning to rot and so they smelled very bad, but there was a great resistance when I pushed my blade up against their skull. It was if their skulls had grown twice as thick somehow.

Regardless, with my enhanced body and a great river of Mana flowing through me, I killed each with extreme ease. I counted twelve heads behind me. I covered my eyes. ZZZZZTT. ZZZZZTT. ZZZZZTT…. There was a seemingly continuous sound as each of the Zombies exploded. I opened my eyes to witness the devastation from their last-ditch efforts to put me down; lights out.

There were craters where each zombie had stood. In each crater there was a large green glowing stone. I could feel the Mana strands reaching out towards me. They seemed to call my name.

Suddenly, a green window opened up in front of me. 


You have killed 15 Zombies in the Actualization tier! 

Level Up! → You are now level 11! 

SYSTEM → You have unlocked the system command function. You have unlocked the Common level shop function. Note, earn points by selling items or by completing quests. 

Travis Scott: Level Ten. Formation tier Awakener.

Vitality → 100 // Strength → 100 // Agility → 100 // Stamina → 100 // Mana → 56


I felt a great surge of magic reach down inside my body. I felt the very fibers of my muscles tighten. I suddenly felt my ears tingle and then I began to be able to hear the very buzz of a bee several hundred yards away. 

'I know the bugs' exact position as well as if I could see it!'

And then the pain came, and it hit me like a freight train. It felt like my chest was about to pop like a balloon. Every single one of my muscles began to constrict in the worst cramp spasms I have ever had. I fell onto the ground, and I began to scream.

With one of my eyes barely open, I saw something running towards me. It was not my brother, it was a Zombie.

'Fucking hell!'