The Necessary Will

Dallas is a really big city. We ran for thirty minutes without hearing any sort of sound. I supposed that the Lion had killed everything in its territory.

Eventually, we reached an area where the Zombies were again. At that point, I had bought an experience potion from the shop for 500 coins out of the 1,100 I had. 

At first there were just a few Zombies that we killed easily, and then they began to appear in hordes. They were not fighting each other very actively. Instead, they were trying to tear a building down. 

We quickly found out why. There was a penthouse at the very top of the skyscraper and there was a man with a rifle trying to shoot the Zombies from the top of his balcony, five stories up. Instead of instantly killing the Zombies, I made the others stop. 

"Guys wait. I am going to jump all the way up to the balcony and I am going to bring that man down. If he tries to shoot me, I'll kill him. We can't have him shooting at us as we fight the Zombies."

Before the others could say anything, I gathered my muscles and charged them with enormous amounts of Mana. I had not tested how explosively I can move with all of the new mana I had and now was that chance.

My body shot up into the air past the fifth floor, and at the apex of my jump, I hovered for just a split second fifty feet above his Balcony. I had made the ridiculous jump and then some. 

I smashed down hard against the ground with my sword pointed directly at the man. He had black hair, brown eyes, and a decent musculature that was visible under his short sleeved shirt and jeans. "Hey."

He had already been turning around with his weapon, but he did not point it at me. "How did you get up here?"

"I jumped."

"What? Who even are you?"

"I'm an Awakener. I've killed Zombies like the ones you were shooting, and I took the stones from their bodies and consumed them. My name is Travis."

He blinked and then slightly clenched his gun a little harder, but he didn't raise it towards me. "Travis, can you help me out here? I need to get off the top of this building without getting mobbed by all those Zombies. I'm running low on food for god's sake."

"Alright, what did you do before the Apocalypse, and what is your name."

"I'm Will Vers. I was the CEO of a weapons contracting company. I have a few guns in my house and some gold bars, if you want them."

"We don't need either of them. Do you have any swords or knives in your house?"

"I have an old cavalry saber."

"Take that for yourself along with a sidearm. You only get experience from Zombies after killing them with a traditional weapon."

"Alright, you can come inside if you want."

I followed behind him into his house. As we walked, I asked a few more questions. "There isn't anyone else in the house is there?"

"There was my maid, but she turned into a zombie. I woke up to her trying to beat down my door. Thankfully I keep a pistol by myself when I sleep. As she broke through the door I shot three times, but she did not die. Finally, I shot her in the head, and she fell over. After that, I put on some gloves and tossed her off my balcony when I saw that the whole world had become a Zombie Apocalypse."

The whole complex was extremely nice with fancy decorations all over the place. He finally got the mantle and pulled his sword from it. It was still sharp and thick. I nodded at him. "Swing it."

He whipped it through the air, and I could hear that it was still sharp as it cut through the air with a slicing noise. 

After that, he went to his bedroom and got a Glock and a holster for it. He also grabbed a leather jacket. Finally, we went to the balcony. I grabbed him and then jumped all the way down. As we fell, he held onto me really tightly.

To break the fall, I stuck my arm out and grabbed onto parts of the wall and swung down from floor to floor on broken window sills and things that stuck out conveniently. By the time we finally got to the ground, There were sounds of Zombies being killed. 

I yelled at Will. "Close your eyes." 

We both did. Flash after flash, Zombies died. And while we waited for it all to end, I held onto a second floor window sill with sharp glass digging into my hand. I felt blood trickling down my arm, but the pain was nothing in comparison to what I had felt. It was merely uncomfortable. 

Eventually, the flashes stopped and I heard Zane yell up to me. "Come on down!"

I opened my eyes and swung like a monkey the rest of the way down. As I softly tapped down against the ground, I set Will down. Then I quickly shook my hand and pulled the pieces of bloody glass and the many splinters from my hand and arm. As I did, I could see the skin wrapping back over my arm at an unbelievable rate. 

As I was fixing my arm up, Will introduced himself to everyone. Jett was busy gathering all of the Mana stones from the small horde of Zombies they had killed. There were still more down the street, but it seemed like they were distracted by something else. 

Jett glanced at Will before setting his jacket filled with Mana stones on the ground. The two men shook hands and then introduced themselves. Jett definitely was much larger than Will and he looked imposing too, but Will was not phased. It was good to see.