Selling Mechs

After landing the massive Mech right outside my house, I took the Mana information that I had used from the cameras in the Mech, and I used it to show how powerful the Mech was by embedding the video in my sell offer. 

When I embedded the video, I saw that there were dozens of new messages, so I responded to each of them. In that way, I cemented the sale of Mechs to eight different people, but I needed 91 more by the end of the week.

I assumed that I could get that many people to sell to, but I was very sure that things were going to get busy.

I opened a portal to the location of the mechs in the Creator's little space she had put them in which took me thirty minutes. I quickly jumped into one of the massive Mechs and started channeling Mana from my Soulscape for a massive portal.

Within another 30 minutes a glowing blue portal opened in front of me which I stepped through. On the other side of the portal, I came out of the air above a massive forest.