Eva didn't see the look of disdain on Irene's face and just as expected, she walked outside the mansion in search of the prince.

Just as Eva closed the door behind her, Irene lifted her phone and dialed a number. "That strange girl, I want her dead." She did not waste time to explain herself and with those few words, she disconnected from the call.

Eva was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't notice the harm plotted against her. Why am I even looking for that scumbag? He's not worth my efforts. She thought placing her hands in both sides of the pocket. The weather was unbearably frigid and she was sure it would rain soon.

"Who stays outside when the weather is this unfriendly?" She asked her wolf. It has been a while since they had a conversation. 'Only a coward does.' Lexa replied for Eva to chuckle.