The Journey Home

"Pathway? What's that?"

[Pathways are portals that were made before the recording of history, they connect some of the major towns in every region… it may not be very cheap to use but it'll cost you a whole less than travelling on a horse]

"I didn't know there were things like that, where's the closest one?" Levi asked

[There's one here in Amoha, it's not too far from your location]

Blue directed him to where the pathway was. It was at the root of a large tree in the middle of the village. It was protected by two guards that were clearly different from the rest in the village guards, sporting a golden insignia on their shining silver armour 

[I might have forgotten to mention that you'll have to pay the Way Keepers 1 gold coin]

Levi's face soured at the sound of this displeasing news, all he had was 5 gold coins left, all because of that 'stupid box'.

There were people going in and out of the portal, a mix of villagers and warriors. After a while of waiting it got to his turn.

"Is this your first time using the pathway?" Questioned one of the guards 

"Yes, it is" Levi responded

"You simply state where you are heading to and it'll automatically transport you to the closest pathway"

He stretched out his hand, Levi understanding what was expected of him reluctantly took out 1 gold coin and handed it to him

"Thank you for your donation, NEXT!!" the way keeper called out.

"Lowdan" Levi stated before crossing the portal 

Levi received the message as he stepped through the portal.

As Levi emerged from the portal, he recognized the familiar statue in the center of the village, having visited Ladiel before.

This portal, unlike the previous one, stood on a door-like structure with ancient symbols etched on the stones.

Ladiel was the biggest town in the Lowlands, Levi knew that Lowdan was merely a few minutes from here if he used a carriage.

'but first there's something I have to do…' 

He found a shop that traded materials so he could sell the drops he had gotten from defeating the wolf. Darcy had told him it'd sell for at least 20 gold coins


"Nothing feels better than easy money," Levi remarked as he exited the shop with the coins in hand.

[You sold everything for 5 gold coins, how is that easy money]

"He said it's due to the drought …. You wouldn't understand since you are just an AI"

[Or it means you can only haggle correctly when you are getting scammed… Disappointing]

"Very funny, are you trying to show me you have a sense of humour"

[I do not have anything of that sort]

'Why did hearing that hurt even more… Let's focus on the task at hand, going home. Father has probably been lonely without me, I'll get him a welcome home present'

Levi bought some bread and water, before soughting out a wagon to take him to Lowdan. Spotting one with a brown horse and an elderly coachman, Levi called out.

"Excuse me, I need a ride to Lowdan"

The man scanned him from head to toe before responding

"That'll be 1 gold coin" the man replied

"1 gold coin for a freaking ride, that's basically extortion." Levi said in shock

"Look kid, it's expensive because the drought got worse, so it's the same no matter who you meet"

'only gotten worse my foot, he is only doing this because I'm a warrior ….I died only a few days ago how bad could it have gotten" Levi thought

"The last time I was here I paid only 10 silver, so I can go up to 50 silver and that's it" Levi replied

"You warriors are just too greedy, all I'm asking for is 1 gold and we both know you have way more than that… so you either give me the money or scram" the Old man demanded

Levi thought for a moment, there wasn't any reason to drag this on. He took out the gold and tossed it at him. The old man caught it swiftly with agility that defied his age.

He bit it and then examined it to check if it was real, when he had confirmed it was a big smile appeared on his face.

He jumped on the back of the wagon dusting it with enthusiasm 

"Welcome aboard, my passenger" still wearing his smile

Levi got on and they began heading to Lowdan. 

Although the old man only mentioned the drought to hype up his price he wasn't completely lying as all the farm lands Levi could see around the town was completely barren.

Now he was worried if his father actually was okay, the shop was already struggling before he left. There's no way of knowing what had happened during his absence.

After a while they got to Lowdan, the sight was even way worse than Ladiel, barren lands, dead animals and dried up water streams. 

The people he saw was almost as thin as a broomstick due to starvation, it was a really sad sight. He handed some of the bread he had bought to a few children. 

The old man dropped him off right in front of the craftshop. To Levi's eyes it looked gloomy and empty, there was a 'closed' sign hanged on the door

Levi's heart dropped as soon as he saw the sign, his father almost never used that sign. He was always hoping to make a sale, he didn't even mind if it was the middle of the night… But now that sign that was basically just for decoration was being used.

'Definitely something must have happened' he thought 

He pushed open the door, and the bell above jingled.

"Father" he called out but there was no response.

He sprinted into the backroom and there his father was, laying on the ground helplessly still clutching tightly to his hammer.