What I'm I?

Levi was left in a state of turmoil. They were stuck in a deep conundrum, with no way out. Even if they made it out how would they defeat the beast behind the door? The difficulty level of an S-grade quest was no joke.

"Warrior Levi let me ask the final question," Aiden said confidently, no more wearing his shy expression. 

"So you can what? Make it even worse?" Levi questioned with a hostile tone.

"Don't worry I'll show you how to win a battle without a fight," Aiden smirked, now wearing a more determined look.

He didn't wait for Levi to respond before facing Glint "You must be very knowledgeable for you to be so confident that you can answer all our questions, it might make one wonder what would happen if you get my question incorrectly"

Glint was shocked by both his words and his boldness, up until now he had simply been cowering behind Levi, but now he spoke like a different person.

"Of course I am, I can answer your questions what you should be worried about is answering mine, that is if you want to live" Glint calmly stated

Levi began reasoning Aiden's words, but it made little sense to him because according to Blue there was nothing Glint didn't know about the game, so there was nothing they could do… but why did it almost look like Aiden was smiling?

"Okay, then I have a question for you. I am the winter, the summer, the spring. I am everywhere, yet you cannot see me. I am the one who knocks at your door. I am the one who falls below. I am the one you never wish existed. I am death, the final unknown. I am all of these in one, what am I?" Aiden said in the calmest way possible.

It wasn't a question but a riddle, a riddle that left both Glint and Levi astonished. It was well thought out, even after going over the words Levi couldn't figure out the answer and it looked like he wasn't the only one.

"W-what did you say?" A startled Glint stuttered. He had now lost his composure and a few drops of sweat had begun settling on his head.

"So you've asked your first question" Aiden sighed as if disappointed.

"No-no, that's-" Glint tried to counter but was interrupted by a very serious Aiden. 

 "I am the winter, the summer, the spring. I am everywhere, yet you cannot see me. I am the one who knocks at your door. I am the one who falls below. I am the one you never wish existed. I am death, the final unknown. I am all of these in one, what am I?!" Aiden thundered 

As Levi witnessed Glint fall into a state of confusion he realized that he didn't know the answer. It all made sense now, if Glint knew everything about the game you'd just have to ask him something that had nothing to do with the game, or in this case a riddle. It didn't even matter if there was no actual answer as long as he couldn't answer the riddle, they win, it was that simple.

The fact that Aiden was able to figure this out on his own was amazing. Levi already knew Aiden was intelligent before he died in Lowdan but he never knew he was this Smart. To pull this off wasn't something just anyone could do.

"Aren't you going to answer… don't tell me you don't know the answer?" Aiden taunted 

Glint suddenly realized that all this while he had been focused on the wrong person, this wasn't a warrior protecting a villager, it was a snake hiding behind a warrior. In just a moment he flipped the tables and for the first time in his existence, someone had bested him.

He had to accept defeat, there was no need to drag it out any further. He restored his composure, returning to his expressionless face.

"Okay… you win. Now tell me what's the answer" Glint questioned

"You wish… you promised three answers so we want three answers" Aiden snickered.

Glint was stomped, that was the final card he had and Aiden saw through it with ease. There was nothing else he could do, but he couldn't go back on his word. Killing them would be as easy as killing a fly but that would go against his existence.

His quest for being was questioned. The fact that he always kept to his words was the very foundation of his existence, and up until now, it had been a very easy task.

The mere fact that he didn't know the answer to this riddle was already eating away at his soul. This wasn't the first time someone had tried pulling this kind of trick but each time he always still had the answer, this time he had no idea, not a single clue.

For him to be unable to keep to his word meant that he was nothing, and as nothing, he deserved nothing more than death. There was nothing left in this world for him if he couldn't hold up his end of the bargain. 

Aiden saw how Glint was slowly falling apart and saw that this was the best chance to finish his plan.

"Or we could forget this trade ever happened?" 

Glint was pulled out of his mental turmoil by Aiden's words "You mean you would do that for me?"

"Of course, a trade can always be abolished if both parties involved agree" Aiden's words slowly brought a peaceful smile to Glint's face. 

"But I'm not doing it for you, I expect something in return," Aiden demanded.

Glint had found a way out, if the whole trade was abolished then it would mean that he owed them no answer. 

"What do you want?" He asked

"You said that the beast inside would kill us right, I want you to help us kill it" 

Levi was shocked that Aiden had thought that far. While he was reasoning how to answer the Mage's questions, Aiden was thinking of how to defeat the beast. He didn't expect Aiden to be so cunning, but thankfully because of his craftiness, they had gotten Glint in a checkmate.