An Exclusive stat

After spending a few more minutes together, Sir Owain retired to his room to rest, he had over-exerted his mana and energy crafting the axe.

"Try not to steal anything" Levi repeated to himself, "How would you trust a stranger you only just met like that, with his poor sense of security I wonder how he will survive without me" he scoffed.

[It might be because of your Title that makes residents of the Lowlands easily trust you]

"It's the way it has always been, at times he would insist we keep the shop door unlocked throughout the night, just in case a customer wanted to come in. Imagine that"

[He kind of reminds me of you and how easily you trusted that con man. I guess it's true what they say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree]

"That one wasn't my fault" Levi defended

Levi wandered around the shop, triggering some nostalgic memories before he recalled the dream he had just had a while ago 

"Blue is it possible for a player to fall asleep and dream inside of the game?"

[The console connects your mind to the server, leaving your body in a sleep-like state. In that state, all the possible brain activity used in generating dreams is being forced to display a visual image of this world by the console for the user. In other words, this world only exists as a forced dream from your console so it's practically impossible for a player to fall asleep or dream]

Levi was stomped "But I just had a dream, and you were there covered by a sphere of glowing threads" he exclaimed.

[Indeed that sounds absurd enough to be a dream but I'm certain that it wasn't real]

"Of course it wasn't real, it's a dream" Levi replied sarcastically, before actually giving it a thought, 'Maybe it wasn't a dream'

'If it was a dream then how did I increase my assimilation rate?' he wondered.

"Status window" he called out, making the window materialize before him.


EXP: 3,679/26,059

*Able to perform measly tasks in the Craftshop. No perceivable talent for Crafting.



Strength: 37; Agility: 37; Vitality: 40; Intelligence: 26; Luck: 16; Wisdom: 23; Perception: 16; Assimilation rate{5%}

Stats point (SP): 724


Levi confirmed that his assimilation rate had indeed increased, which means it wasn't a dream. 

'That dream world is still somewhere within the game and it has something to do with my assimilation rate, but why did Blue have no idea about it,' he wondered.

"Blue, what do you know about the assimilation rate stat?" Levi inquired

[Assimilation rate? I have no information about such a stat]

Levi was shocked by this discovery. Blue didn't know about the existence of the assimilation rate, with all the information he had gathered there was no way he wouldn't have encountered something such as this.

"It's supposed to be a special stat. Are you sure you didn't just miss it?" Levi suggested.

[I know all the obtainable stats in Aetheria, including the hidden stats that only a few players have unlocked, I can assure you that there is no such stat]

Levi was thrown further into confusion "But I can clearly see my assimilation rate,"

He pondered immensely for a moment "Thinking back to when I first got it, there was hardly any information about the stat other than it would improve my consume skill the more it increases."

"is it possible that I got an exclusive stat because of the skill?"

[That is not supposed to be possible, although the game promotes the idea that anything can happen in Aetheria, it would never cross the line of giving any player special treatment]

"Then what exactly is happening?" Levi cried in frustration. There was too much he didn't know about at the moment but he was certain that all the answers he needed would be in the dream world.

"I just have to fall asleep," Levi decided.

He sat at the seat where he had previously fallen asleep and placed his head on the table, assuming a very comfortable position. He lay there in silence for a while trying to force himself to sleep, after a while he changed his position to become more comfortable. 

He began changing location and position to wherever he felt would make falling asleep easier.

Levi had only a few minutes left before he would be forcefully logged out of the game, so he needed to make at least a little progress before then.

'go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sl…' Levi continuously recited in his head until he could no longer keep his eyes closed.

"How hard is it to fall asleep?" He ranted in frustration.

[I don't know, maybe you're not doing something right or whatever you saw was simply just your imagination]

Levi stared at Blue with annoyance birthed from frustration, "It was real, it's obvious it was and it's somewhere within this game. I'll prove it to you,"

Levi was anything but confident in his words, he had exhausted all his options, including sneaking upstairs and lying on his former bed, and now he sat in the workshop, defeated. 

"What do I do now?" He wondered.

His thoughts were interrupted by an ominous, dramatic humming sound before an unusual window appeared before him.

It wasn't the usual translucent blue interface, it had a greenish-black color and was hardly see-through.


*During this event all beasts that are slayed in the Badlands would automatically revive as an undead to be killed a second time. Warriors stand to gain double the XP, the initial drops from the beast, and also the mana core from the undead. The event would go on until the event ends or the 'Lich King' has been slayed.

"An event?" 

Levi was processing the message before his timer informed him that he had only a few seconds left online.