A Gnawing feeling

He read through a series of pages and articles but there was still no mention of the assimilation rate, disappointed he was forced to concede.

'I just need to find a way to return to the dream world' he concluded as he stood up from his bed

He slowly raised his arms above his head, stretching his muscles with a satisfying sensation. A deep yawn escaped his lips, his jaw opening wide as he stretched his body, feeling the tension melt away, before hearing his stomach grumble.

He excitedly rushed to the kitchen forgetting that he had previously consumed all the food he had, he just couldn't resist the temptation.

"I would have to eat out," he sighed. 

The room wasn't very dirty but because of how much his father always nagged about keeping the shop dirty he felt bad leaving it this way. So he spent the next few minutes cleaning and rearranging.

After he finished he couldn't go out smelling all sweaty, so he showered and had a change of clothes. All through this ordeal, he had this gnawing feeling at the back of his mind.

"Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something" he casually questioned before stepping out the door and heading down the stairs.

According to the original Levi's memories there was a Japanese ramen joint not too far away from the apartment. He visited the ATM to withdraw whatever little money was left in his account.

He was shocked to see $750 in the account. From what he knew Levi was struggling and was literally living from hand to mouth, but yet he had such an amount lying around.

He excitedly emptied the account, planning to once again have a feast in the ramen shop.

The ramen shop wasn't too grand, but eating at places like this was considerably more expensive than cooking at home, so the original Levi had only visited the place once or twice since he moved into the neighbourhood.

He had to leave the central district and move to the outskirts of the city after his father died in the accident and his mother sold their house for Darcy's treatments, moving in with his uncle and his family.

He never saw eye to eye with him so he just decided it was better to live on his own, so he contacted a former friend of his father who fortunately had a place he could rent for cheap.

As he found a seat a nice looking Japanese waitress came to hand him a menu, which he looked at for a while before choosing a full course meal of noodles, egg and pork meat.

He observed the Japanese theme decorations of the shop. Even the waitresses wore traditional Japanese attire.

After a while the plate arrived, steam billowing upwards, carrying tantalizing aromas of savory broth and freshly cooked noodles. Glistening slices of tender pork meat rest atop the nest of tangled noodles, each piece inviting with its succulent appearance. 

A perfectly cooked egg, its yolk still slightly runny, crowns the dish, adding richness and depth to the ensemble. The vibrant colors and appetizing arrangement beckon, promising a delightful experience.

Upon seeing the plate of hot steaming noodles and pork meat with egg, a wide grin spread across his face, his eyes lighting up with excitement and anticipation.

Once he tasted the dish, his taste buds were treated to a symphony of flavors. The noodles were perfectly cooked, with just the right amount of chewiness, soaking up the rich, savory broth. 

The pork meat was tender and succulent, bursting with juicy goodness, while the egg added a creamy texture and an extra layer of richness to each bite. With each spoonful, his enjoyment grew, and he found himself savoring every mouthful, completely lost in the delightful experience of the meal.

The heavenly experience was short lived as he gubbled up the food at an alarming speed. It had cost him a total of $29 but it was worth every penny.

As he exited the shop he once again felt a gnawing feeling at the back of his mind, like there was something important he was forgetting.

He stopped at a convenience store and bought a few extra packs of noodles and some essential items on his way back to his apartment.

As he got to his apartment building he popped open a can of soda

The fizzy, bubbly noise, accompanied by a slight hiss as the carbonation escaped made him cautious before he tasted it.

"Hmm…" he exclaimed at the sweetness of the beverage.

He hadn't noticed the figure standing in front of his apartment door until he had already gotten close enough. It was a small, lanky man in his fifties who stood at around 5 foot 6, with a bald head. Sporting his usual attire of boxer and a white singlet stained by an alcoholic bear.

At the moment Levi realized what that gnawing feeling he had been feeling was. It now made sense why Levi had such an amount in his account.

"Oh, it seems you went out for a little shopping" Mr. Lucky said with a friendly but yet hostile smile

"These things, no these are just few things I needed" Levi anxiously replied, tiny beads of sweat building on his forehead 

The tension in the atmosphere hangs heavy, palable even in the stillness of the air. The awkward silence only made the stand off even worse.

"That's no problem, you know what today is right" Mr Lucky said with a light tone that went against the current atmosphere making Levi even more tense

"Of-of course, it's Friday" Levi nervously replied.

"And surely you haven't forgotten what Friday is… it's rent day," Mr Lucky said, still maintaining his light tone.

"I know sir, how can I forget" Levi replied casually trying to ease the tension. "The thin-"

"And we agreed no excuses this month," Mr Lucky interrupted.