The Merchant group

Sir Owain wiped the sweat from his face using the towel on his shoulder, before emerging from the workshop with Levi following closely behind.

The guests were three men dressed in a cream-coloured thobe, a garment that is mostly worn by desert dwellers, with brown turbans wrapped around their heads.

They had various ornaments in the form of pieces of jewelry and beads around their necks. Their skin was slightly darker in complexion, compared to the other NPCs.

Levi's eyes widened slightly as he noticed all three of them were Named NPCs.

He knew who these men were or at least where they were from because he had seen these types of traders countless times growing up. They were from the Kalzhir merchant group.

They were known as foreigners, not residents, travelers who journeyed across Aetheria in search of items to trade. Buying from the underdogs and selling to the high and mighty.

Due to their resilience and ability to travel through any weather and terrain, they were able to become one of the wealthiest Merchant groups in Aetheria and also the official emissary of the Traders Association, also known as the Black Market.

Judging by the way the three of them were adorned with special ornaments Levi was certain they were not low-ranking members of the merchant group.

'So what are people like these doing here?' he wondered.

"Peace be unto you," the leader of the group greeted. He wore a very calm and stoic aura.

"I am Tolan, the head of the Kalzhir Merchant group" he added.

Levi was startled by his words, 'he is the head?! What is so important that the head of the Kalzhir Merchant group would come all the way to the Lowlands' he wondered.

Sir Owain wore a stern expression "I already told the last two of your men that came, I'm not signing any exclusivity contract… we would continue to do business as we always have" he stated with slight hostility.

Tolan reached out his hands to one of his followers and they handed him an arrow "And I understand. I'm informed by my subordinates that you were the Crafter of this arrow, correct?" 

Both Levi and his father were astonished for a brief moment, his father had told him he had sold the arrows to a hunter but here it was in the hands of this trader, and not only that, they were also able to find the maker in such a short amount of time. Their information pool must be top-notch for them to move so fast.

"yes, I am" Sir Owain replied.

"Then we certainly can't continue to do business as usual, because this is a masterpiece, I have met a few masters in my lifetime but never have I met someone with such attention to detail" Tolan stated.

"Thank you for your kind words, but I still can't sell to you exclusively, if you want my items then you would have to buy just like everyone else" Sir Owain asserted, maintaining his stand.

At this time Levi had caught on to what was happening, after seeing the arrow, the Kalzhir group offered Sir Owain a contract to exclusively sell his products, but his father rejected the offer. Levi wasn't certain if that was a good idea though.

From Levi's point of view this offer was the surest way to secure a steady income for his father, not only that, since the Kalzhir group represented the Black Market, his father's products would be able to reach people in high places faster, further increasing his fame and reputation. 

"But I'm here to give you a different offer,

join the Kalzhir group as our head Craftsman" Tolan suggested in an imposing tone.

Levi was overwhelmed by Tolan's offer, the mighty Kalzhir group was offering his father such a position. it would mean his father would earn directly from whatever the Kalzhir group earned. He would become a stakeholder in their Merchant group. A merchant group that dealt with top warriors, kings, and nobles.

"But I'll only Craft what the Kalzhir group wants me to?" Sir Owain inquired.

"At first of course, but as you prove your worth, in time you will be free to do as you please" The head of the group explained.

"Then my answer remains the same" Sir Owain reaffirmed.

Everyone in the room was taken aback by his words, but no one was as shocked as Levi. His jaw dropped as he stared at his father, unable to hide his disbelief.

"Maybe you should give us a moment to discuss about this" Levi fretted anxiously.

"It's fine warrior, I don't care that much about the money, so I've made up my mind, thank you for the offer,"

"Are you sure you want to turn down this offer? It may be to your own demise," Tolan urged with subtle hostility.

"Is that a threat?" Sir Owain cautiously inquired.

"I wouldn't call it that, just know that if you aren't ready to do everything that you can in other to get what you want then you aren't ready to play in the big leagues" Tolan concluded before leading his followers out.

As they exited the shop one of the followers asked "What are we going to do now? The boss wouldn't be happy about this"

"If we can't get him to join us then we'll just have to take him out," Tolan sighed.

"But she only said we should try to convince him" the follower voiced with concern.

"Would you rather go and tell her we failed?" Tolan shot back, causing the follower to cower in fear.

"If we can't get the competition to join us, then we'll have to take them out. I'm sure she'll understand, afterall that's what she did the first time" Tolan added.

After walking a few meters away from the shop, Tolan stopped to take one last look at it before continuing on his way. He was a cautious man, that took note of every little thing, that's how he was able to rise through the ranks so quickly.

He pondered on why Sir Owain wouldn't just accept his offer and also who was the warrior with him. He couldn't make any move until he could see the full picture, and then he would return to pull the shop to the ground.