Black Mask

Levi felt a little bit of fear but at the same time something in him was getting excited. This time his opponent wasn't a monster but a fellow player.

He pulled out his axe, 'I have to go all out if I want to survive, and this might be an opportunity to see just how strong I am in my base state'

This time Levi was the first to charge, 

'My first attack with the axe has 30% more damage, no matter how strong he is it'll definitely do some damage. I'll distract him with the blade then try to get a critical hit point with my axe. I have to make sure he can't dodge it if not it'll be a waste'.

Levi lunged forward, his blade aimed at Black Mask's exposed neck, but Black Mask was quicker, effortlessly dodging the attack with a casual shift of his head.