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Plot: Aiden goes through the stress of elaborately carrying out his plan and at the end the plan works out so hard that Aiden realizes that he didn't even have to work so hard… all this while I will show Aiden's prowess in manipulation and finally show it wasn't useful because Levi trust him enough that he didn't need to work so hard, but after I hype up the moment of the reveal if Levi believes him or fell perfectly into Aiden's plan (I'll hint that he would most likely fall into his plan, i can tease a little bit that Levi might not fall)

But Levi appears to fall perfectly at the same time he uses his new level of observation that allows him to detect lies. He detects a very small lie about where Aiden found the map, making Levi wonder why Aiden would lie about something so little in other words turning down the offer. Levi would balantly reject the offer strictly based on the mere fact that Aiden lied.