Testing the Operator

"We are about to arrive in a few minutes. I think you should be able to see the city soon," said Kanaria while looking at their GPS. 

"What radar do you have?" Melody asked. 

"The standard type with a 100-meter range," replied Kanaria while glancing at Melody's expression. She was still a bit frustrated by her character. 

"Other equipment like the skyglasses?"

"We have the skyglasses, radars, infrared sensors, and trackers."

Melody searched for something in her bag before opening the window. It was a dome-shaped item that looked like a transmitter. She placed it on top of their vehicle. 

"Where are the items? I'm going to fine-tune them now and match them with my device." 

"Now? Not when we arrive?" Kanaria furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Normally, there would be some beasts hiding around the gate. So, I'm going to synchronize your equipment first so that we're ready for combat at any time."