
The next day, they met up in front of the gate, ready to take on the new challenge. For this journey, Clovis brought a vehicle.

It was just a cheap car they could easily abandon. Because their destinations were far from any cities, Clovis planned to hide this car on the road. If it was stolen, he didn't care much. If it wasn't, they would bring it back to the city. They had some spare money, especially when the mayor gave them two hundred thousand union dollars in the first part. 

As usual, Jay was the one driving it. Clovis had taken some driving classes during his free time, but he wasn't reliable yet. 

Once they were near their destination, Jay went off the road and hid the car behind an abandoned gas station. It was a building made before the 'simulation' after all. 

Once they were done hiding it, Clovis brought all their equipment with them and abandoned the car.