
"We're finally back. To think that it would be this hard." Kanaria let out a long sigh. While it was true that their firepower relied on her, it didn't change the fact that with Ragna as a guardian, Kanaria had the chance to kill more beasts than any others.

However, after submitting the essence, the number was actually much lower than she predicted. 

"349,500 union dollars, huh? It's not small, but we should be able to get much more than that. Don't you think?" Kanaria asked.

"Sorry." Ragna lowered his head. "It was because of me messing up."

"No. We both were. I failed to give a correct instruction, especially regarding the timing."

"I'll definitely do better tomorrow!"

Kanaria fell silent for a moment before saying, "How about you are the one giving an order tomorrow?" 

"Me? But…" Ragna wanted to find a reason to reject that idea.