
"Ehm, Jay? Are you there?"

"…" The others couldn't help but furrow their eyebrows, thinking Jay was kidnapped. However, he soon responded, "Yeah, I'm here."

"You're giving me a heart attack. I thought you were not with the group and somehow lost… or even kidnapped!" Ragna raised his voice.

"I'm just trying to focus." 

Ragna wanted to say something, but Kanaria immediately cut him off. "By the way, what is the plan, Clovis? Should we show them right away and dominate the battle?"

"We should wait for a bit, taking down several people and using that ability as a trump card. It'll bring more hype that way," Erwin explained while crossing his arms. 

Clovis maintained his silence for a bit longer before saying, "As I said previously, I won't be going all out today. It's not about me after all. However, we don't have to turn this ability into our trump card for this match.