The Client

"If you wanted a cut you should've been thinking about work instead of fun." I grin cheekily at Roland.

His brows furrow, and he raises a hand to swat me lightly on the back of the head. "Silly child. You're supposed to leave some for the other mercs." He gives me an exasperated expression.

I wink as I flip one of the coins in the air. "I'm sure your conversation with that lady was well worth this. Isn't that right, Roland?"

"You impudent girl!" He shouts, but the smile on his face belies any irritation or anger, and he ruffles my hair. "Worth it though. Besides, there are always more bandits to kill." He drops his arm over my shoulder, weighing me down. "Good job, kid."

My lips quirk in amusement. "I'm thirty, you old coot. Get off, you weigh a ton."