
"That one looks perfect for her!" he exclaims, pointing at a gaudy piece of jewelry.

I don't know who 'her' is, and I can only hope he's not trying to buy such a gaudy, tacky thing for me.

With this man, it's honestly impossible to tell.

"The necklace is five hundred gold, my lord. The pendant alone is three hundred, and the gems are-"

"Gems? That's colored glass, friend. No one here would be fooled by that!" Lucas tuts, wagging his finger at the merchant and grinning as if he's gotten an advantage in...something.

"Two hundred for the pendant alone," the merchant suggests with a strained smile.

"Seventy-five," Lucas replies.


"Hah! A hundred gold and not a gold piece more."

"It's three hundred!" The merchant throws up his hands. "You can't haggle it down to a third of the price!! That's theft!"