Traces of the Tear

I sit up in the bed, scratching at my shoulder through my shirt. The skin is tender. I carefully pull back the bandage and examine the area.

The wound is a clean, red scar. Already closed. Hm. I'd picked up healing salve in the festival, but I hadn't expected it to be nearly so effective.

They're much more expensive in the capitol, but apparently not so much more valuable.

When I emerge from the room, Lucas looks slightly hungover, but he puts on a brave smile anyway. "Morning! Ready to head out?"

"If you are." I yawn and stretch.

"Then we'll be off."

I nod.

The festival seems to be continuing on today, but it's early enough in the morning that the streets aren't overfull of people. Riding the horses and carriage through the city is a fortunately easy affair.

Even better: because my arm is healed thanks to that salve, I can shove Lucas back in his box and get the driver's bench to myself.