Shaking the Tail

I can't help but stare at Roland, my mentor. Even I'm caught off guard by what he just said.

"Again?" Lucas looks alarmed. "You think we're being followed again already?!"

I swallow down the nervousness rising in my throat and give him a small shake of the head, hoping it soothes him a little.

Roland's usually right about this kind of thing.

But that doesn't mean it's any use panicking about it. He obviously has a plan. I'm not sure what it could be, facing something like a Fell Order assassin, but if anyone is resourceful enough to think on his feet and have a plan for that, Roland will be.

Lucas doesn't look particularly soothed by my gesture, but he doesn't continue to complain. I suppose that's the best I can expect when even I don't believe it.

I'm somewhat familiar with Denarore...but not familiar enough to recognize the winding streets we turn through, seemingly at random.