Striking Out

Roland turns away, as if to leave.

Before he does so, he stops and then glances over at Lucas. "Boy."

Lucas startles and then stares at the man for a moment. "...Yessir?"

"Mind how you treat my girl," Roland says, nodding to me. Then, almost as an afterthought. "I'll have your head."

"Hey, I wouldn't!" Lucas protests, lifting his hands as if Roland's blade were already pointed at him.

"She's standing right here, and completely capable of taking care of herself." I say, dryly. "You are both insufferable."

I make my way out into the hallway. I'm not entertaining this absurdity any more than I have to.

I shake my head as I go. "...Let's just get going already."

Lucas hastily hops up and stumbles after me, hand reaching for mine instinctively. His palm closes around mine, and I hear him breathe a faint sigh of relief as I allow him to entwine our fingers.

As if him holding my hand will make the trek back any easier for him.